انتشارات Uxl, Thomson Gale

Ad Oculus: Digital Image Processing, Student Version 2.0
Henning Bassman, 1999
Essentials of Meteorology
C. Ahrens, 2008
Game Interface Design
Fox B., 2004
3D Game Programming All in One
Kenneth C Finney, 2004
A brief introduction to theta functions
Bellman, 1961
Análisis Numérico
Richard L. Burden, Douglas J. Faires, 2002
Microprocessor Systems Design: 68000 Family Hardware, Software and Interfacing
Alan Clements, 1997
Buying & selling music, instruments, and music collectibles on eBay
Mark Abdelnour, 2004
Creating music and sound for games
G. W. Childs, 2007
Digital boudoir photography: a step-by-step guide to creating fabulous images of any woman
John G.(John G. Blair) Blair, 2006
Student Solutions Manual to Introductory Econometrics
Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems
Marion, Thornton
Basic Allied Health Statistics and Analysis
Gerda Koch, 2000
$30 writing school
Michael Wareham Dean, 2004
Adobe Photoshop CS Type Effects
Ron Grebler, Dong-mi Kim, Kwang Woo Baek, Kyung In Jang, 2004
Beyond Humanity: CyberEvolution and Future Minds
Gregory S. Paul, Earl D. Cox, 1996
3D Game Programming All in One
Finney K C, 2007
Character Emotion in 2D and 3D Animation
Les Pardew, 2008
Compilers and compiler generators: an introduction with C++
Patrick D. Terry, 1997
Compliers and Compiler Generators: An Introduction With C++
Patrick D. Terry, 1997
A transition to advanced mathematics
Doug Smith, Maurice Eggen, Richard St. Andre, 1997
Black's Law Dictionary 8th Edition
Bryan A. Garner, 2004