انتشارات Vani Publications

Armor Battles on the Eastern Front: (1) The German High Tide 1941-1942
Robert Michulec, 1999
Armour Battles on the Eastern Front: Downfall of the Reich 1943-1945 v. 2
Robert Michulec, 1999
Axis forces in North Africa 1940-1943
Claudlo Antonuccl, 2007
Barbarians (Concord Fighting Men 6000)
Tim Newark, 1998
Robert Kirchubel Ramiro Bujeiro, 2008
British Tanks of World War II: France and Belgium, 1944
David Fletcher, 1999
Concord 7065: German Medium Panzer at War: Pzkpfw Iii and Pzkpfw Iv
F. De Sisto, 2009
Community Design: A Team Approach to Dynamic Community Systems
W . Arthur Mehrhoff, 1999
You Are the Eyes of the World
Longchenpa, 2000
You Are the Eyes of the World, New Edition
Longchenpa, 2000
A Book of Abstract Algebra
Charles C Pinter, 2010
A History of Greek Mathematics, Vol. 1: From Thales to Euclid
Sir Thomas Heath, 1981
A History of Greek Mathematics, Volume II: From Aristarchus to Diophantus
Sir Thomas Heath, 1981
A history of mathematical notations
Florian Cajori, 1993
A History of Mathematical Notations
Florian Cajori, 2011
A History of the Conic Sections and Quadric Surfaces
Julian Lowell Coolidge, 1968
A Mathematical History of the Golden Number
Roger Herz-Fischler, 1998
German: How to Speak and Write It (Beginners' Guides)
Joseph Rosenberg, 1967