انتشارات Vani Publications

A philosophical essay on probabilities
Marquis de Laplace, 1995
Statistical Analysis of Geological Data
Koch, George S., Jr.; Link, Richard F., 1970; 1971
C. S. Lewis (Bloom's Modern Critical Views)
Harold Bloom, 2006
Charles Dickens (Bloom's Modern Critical Views), Updated Edition
Harold Bloom (Editor), 2006
90-Minute Quilts. 25+ Projects You Can Make in an Afternoon
Meryl Ann Butler, 2006
Categories in Text and Talk: A Practical Introduction to Categorization Analysis
Georgia Lepper, 2000
Cities in a World Economy
Saskia Sassen, 2006
Civil Society: Measurement, Evaluation, Policy
Helmut K. Anheier, 2004
Communication and Medical Practice: Social Relations in the Clinic
David Silverman, 1988
Conversation Analysis: The Study of Talk-in-Interaction
George Psathas, 1994
A Numismatic Journey Through the Bible
Richard J. Plant, Christopher Henry Perkins, 2007
Ethics in Qualitative Research: Controversies and Contexts
Martyn Hammersley, Anna Traianou, 2012
A history of astronomy from Thales to Kepler
J. L. E. Dreyer, 1953
A History of Mechanics
Rene Dugas, 2011
A survey of physical theory
Max Planck, 2011
An Introduction to the Study of Stellar Structure
S. Chandrasekhar, 2010
Cosmic Healing II (2001)(en)(276s)
Mantak Chia and Dirk Oellibrandt, 2001
Fundamentals of astrodynamics
RogerR. Bate, Donald D. Mueller, Jerry E. White, 1971
101 dynamite questions to ask at your job interview
Richard Fein, 1996
A Clinician's Guide to Teaching Mindfulness: The Comprehensive Session-by-Session Program for Mental Health Professionals and Health Care Providers
Christiane Wolf MDPhD, J. Greg Serpa PhD, Jack Kornfield PhD, Trudy Goodman PhD, 2015
A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook
Bob Stahl PhD, Elisha Goldstein PhD, Saki Santorelli EdDMA, Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD, 2010
A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook
Bob Stahl, Elisha Goldstein, Saki Santorelli, Jon Kabat-Zinn, 2010