انتشارات Verlag Peter Lang

Information Society and its Manifestations: Economy, Politics, Culture
Borut Roncevic (editor), Matevž Tomšic (editor), 2016
The Timeless Toni Morrison: The Past and The Present in Toni Morrison’s Fiction. A Tribute to Toni Morrison on Occasion of Her 85th Birthday
Agnieszka Lobodziec (editor), Blossom N. Fondo (editor), 2017
Morphology: Questions on Method and Language
Maria Filomena Molder (editor), Diana Soeiro (editor), Nuno Fonseca (editor), 2013
Contemporary Writing and the Politics of Space: Borders, Networks, Escape Lines
David Walton (editor), Juan Antonio Suárez (editor), 2017
Information Society and its Manifestations: Economy, Politics, Culture
Borut Roncevic (editor), Matevz Tomsic (editor), 2016
Shaping Enlightenment Politics: The Social and Political Impact of the First and Third Earls of Shaftesbury
Patrick Müller (editor), 2018
Epistemological, Ethical and Political Issues in Modern Philosophy
Eray Yaganak (editor); Ahmet Umut Hacifevzioglu (editor), 2019
Turkey in Transition: Politics, society and foreign policy
Ebru Canan Sokullu (editor), 2020
Contemporary Debates on Politics and Public Administration in the Postmodern Era
Ömer Ugur (editor), Kadir Caner Dogan (editor), 2019
Italian Political Cinema: Public Life, Imaginary, and Identity in Contemporary Italian Film
Giancarlo Lombardi (editor), Christian Uva (editor), 2016
Central and Eastern European Socio-Political and Legal Transition Revisited
Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz (editor), Balázs Fekete (editor), 2018
Law, Politics, and the Constitution: New Perspectives from Legal and Political Theory
Antonia Geisler (editor), Michael Hein (editor), Siri Hummel (editor), 2014
Political Leadership in Morphogenetic Perspective
Filip Pierzchalski (editor), Miroslaw Karwat (editor), Marcin Tobiasz (editor), 2017
Reconstructing National Identity: The Nation Forged in Fire-Myth and Canadian Literature
Karin Ikas; Klaus-Dieter Ertler (editor), 2018
Reframing Migration: Lampedusa, Border Spectacle and the Aesthetics of Subversion
Federica Mazzara, 2019
The New Foundations of Labour Law
Kerstin Ahlberg (editor), Niklas Bruun (editor), 2017
Citizen Relationship Management: A Study of CRM in Government
Alexander Schellong, 2011
Anglo-American Idealism: Thinkers and Ideas
James Connelly (editor), Stamatoula Panagakou (editor), 2010
The Hour That Breaks: Gottfried Benn: A Biography
Martin Travers, 2015
Decolonization(s) and Education: New Polities and New Men
Daniel Maul, Marcelo Caruso, 2020
Jeffrey Schnapp; Francesca Santovetti (editor), 2012
The Maidan Uprising, Separatism and Foreign Intervention: Ukraine’s complex transition
Klaus Bachmann (editor), Igor Lyubashenko (editor), 2014