انتشارات Vsp International

Engineering Secure Future Internet Services and Systems: Current Research
Maritta Heisel, Wouter Joosen, Javier Lopez, Fabio Martinelli (eds.), 2014
European Perspectives on the Common European Sales Law
Javier Plaza Penadés, Luz M. Martínez Velencoso (eds.), 2015
Foundations of Security Analysis and Design VII: FOSAD 2012/2013 Tutorial Lectures
Alessandro Aldini, Javier Lopez, Fabio Martinelli (eds.), 2014
Design of Circular Differential Microphone Arrays
Jacob Benesty, Jingdong Chen, Israel Cohen (auth.), 2015
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops: CAiSE 2014 International Workshops, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 16-20, 2014. Proceedings
Lazaros Iliadis, Michael Papazoglou, Klaus Pohl (eds.), 2014
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops: CAiSE 2015 International Workshops, Stockholm, Sweden, June 8-9, 2015, Proceedings
Anne Persson, Janis Stirna (eds.), 2015
Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops: CAiSE 2016 International Workshops, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 13-17, 2016, Proceedings
John Krogstie, Haralambos Mouratidis, Jianwen Su (eds.), 2016
America Knits
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, 1980
Privacy Technologies and Policy: Third Annual Privacy Forum, APF 2015, Luxembourg, Luxembourg, October 7-8, 2015, Revised Selected Papers
Bettina Berendt, Thomas Engel, Demosthenes Ikonomou, Daniel Le Métayer, Stefan Schiffner (eds.), 2016
Pulse Voltammetry in Physical Electrochemistry and Electroanalysis: Theory and Applications
Ángela Molina, Joaquín González (auth.), 2016
Materialism: A Historico-Philosophical Introduction
Charles T. Wolfe (auth.), 2016
Crowdfunding in Europe: State of the Art in Theory and Practice
Dennis Brüntje, Oliver Gajda (eds.), 2016
Compressive Force-Path Method: Unified Ultimate Limit-State Design of Concrete Structures
Michael D Kotsovos (auth.), 2014
Advances in Machine Learning and Signal Processing: Proceedings of MALSIP 2015
Ping Jack Soh, Wai Lok Woo, Hamzah Asyrani Sulaiman, Mohd Azlishah Othman, Mohd Shakir Saat (eds.), 2016