انتشارات W. H. Freeman

The Lady Tasting Tea: How Statistics Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth Century
David Salsburg, 2001
The Lady Tasting Tea: How Statistics Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth Century
David Salsburg, 2001
The Lady Tasting Tea: How Statistics Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth Century
David Salsburg, 2001
The Language of Machines: An Introduction to Computability and Formal Languages
Robert W. Floyd, 1994
The language of mathematics : making the invisible visible
Keith J Devlin, 2000
The Magic Anatomy Book
Carol Donner, 1988
The mammal in the mirror: understanding our place in the natural world
David P. Barash, 2000
Linear Programming (Series of Books in the Mathematical Sciences)
Vašek Chvátal, 1983
X-ray diffraction in crystals, imperfect crystals, and amorphous bodies
André Guinier, 1963
Calculus: Early Transcendentals
Jon Rogawski, 2008
College Chemistry
Linus Pauling, 1957
Elementary Number Theory
Underwood Dudley, 1978
Elementary Number Theory
Underwood Dudley, 1978
Elementary Particles And Their Currents
Jeremy Bernstein, 1968
Elementary Particles And Their Currents
Jeremy Bernstein, 1968
Environmental Science: Foundations and Applications
Andrew Friedland, 2012
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics
Paul A. Tipler
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics (extended version)
Paul A. Tipler, 2008
Problems in Differential Equations
J. L. Brenner, 1966
Spacetime Physics: Introduction to Special Relativity
Edwin F. Taylor, 1992
Principles of Statistical Mechanics
Amnon Katz, 1967
Probability and statistics. The science of uncertainty
Evans M., 2010