انتشارات W.b. Saunders

Textbook of Medical Physiology
Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, 2005
Textbook of Medical Physiology
Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, 2000
Textbook Of Medical Physiology
Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, 2005
Textbook of Medical Physiology
Arthur C. Guyton, John E. Hall, 2000
Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medicine, 8th Edition
Thomas E. Andreoli, Ivor Benjamin, Robert C. Griggs, Edward J Wing, J. Gregory Fitz, 2010
Andreoli and Carpenter's Cecil Essentials of Medicine, 8th Edition (Cecil Medicine)
Thomas E. Andreoli MD MACP FRCP(Edin), Ivor Benjamin MD FACC FAHA, Robert C. Griggs MD FACP FAAN, Edward J Wing MD, J. Gregory Fitz MD, 2010
Evidence-Based Physical Diagnosis
Edmund H. Duthie, Jr., Paul R. Katz and Michael Malone (Auth.), 2012
Restless Legs Syndrome
Wayne A. Hening, MD, PhD, Richard P. Allen, PhD, Sudhansu Chokroverty, MD, FRCP, and Christopher J. Earley, MB, BCh, PhD, FRCPI (Auth.), 2009
Assisted Ventilation of the Neonate
Jay Goldsmith and Edward Karotkin (Auth.), 2004
Assisted Ventilation of the Neonate: Expert Consult - Online and Print (Expert Consult Title: Online + Print)
Jay P. Goldsmith MD, Edward Karotkin, 2010
Mechanical ventilation : clinical applications and pathophysiology
P. Papadakos, B. Lachmann, 2008
Equine Dermatology
Danny W. Scott DVMDACVD, William H. Miller Jr. VMDDACVD, 2003
Equine Dermatology, 2e
Danny W. Scott DVMDACVD, William H. Miller Jr. VMDDACVD, 2010
Surfactant and mechanical ventilation
Steven M Donn; Thomas E Wiswell, 2007
Textbook of Respiratory Medicine
John F. Murray, Jay A. Nadel, Robert J. Mason, Homer A. Boushey Jr., 2000
Breast Pathology: A Volume in the Series: Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology
Frances P. Malley, Sarah E. Pinder, Anna Marie Mulliga, 2011
Breast Pathology: A Volume in the Series: Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology (Expert Consult - Online and Print), 2e
Frances P. O'Malley, Sarah E. Pinder, Anna Marie Mulligan, 2011
Rhinology and Allergy for the Facial Plastic Surgeon, An Issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics, 1e
Stephanie A. Joe MD, 2011
Bahman Guyuron, 2012
Rhinoplasty: Current Therapy, An Issue of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics, 1e
Shahrokh C. Bagheri DMDMD, Husain Ali Khan DMDMD, Angela Cuzalina MD, 2012
Surgical Management of Nasal Obstruction: Rhinologic Perspective Volume 1
Samuel S. Becker, 2009
Netter's Anatomy Flash Cards: with Online Student Consult Access, 3e
John T. Hansen, 2010
Netter's Musculoskeletal Flash Cards, 1e
Jennifer Hart MPASPA-C, Mark D. Miller MD, 2007