انتشارات Watson Guptill Publications

Westminster Patchwork and Quilting Book. Thirteen Designs
Kaffe Fassett, 2000
Anatomy: A Complete Guide for Artists
Joseph Sheppard, 1975
Complete Guide to Watercolor Painting
Edgar A. Whitney, 1974
Country Landscapes in Watercolor
John Blockley, 1982
Creative Pencil Drawing
Paul Hogarth, 1981
Creative Watercolor
Jose Maria Parramon, 1993
Understanding Paintings - Themes in Art Explored and Explained
Alexander Sturgis, 2000
Thirty Centuries of Graphic Design. An Illustrated Survey
James Craig, 1987
Dynamic Anatomy Russian
Хогард Б., 1990
Heikkinen & Komonen (Current Architecture Catalogues)
Peter Davey, 1994
Lessons in Classical Drawing
Juliette Aristides, 2011
Mastering the Craft of Painting
Angelo John Grado, 1985
Painting and drawing children
John Norton, 1974
Painting Buildings in Oil
Jose Maria Parramon, 1991
Painting Faces and Figures
Carole Katchen, 1993
Painting Still Lifes in Oil
Jose M. Parramon, 1991
Pencil Drawing Techniques
David Lewis, 1984
Portrait Drawing. A Step-By-Step Art Instruction Book
Wendon Blake, 1981
Portrait Drawing. A Step-By-Step Art Instruction Book
Wendon Blake, 1981
This is Modern Art
Matthew Collings, 2000
Watercolor - Let the Medium do it
Valfred Thelin, 1989
Watercolor Painting Step-by-step
Arthur L. Guptill, 1983