انتشارات West Academic

The Redbook: A Manual on Legal Style
Bryan A Garner, 2013
Harrison's Law and Economics in a Nutshell, 5th
Jeffrey Harrison, 2011
Privacy Law in a Nutshell
John Soma, 2014
Cases and Materials on Patent Law
Martin Adelman, 2015
Acing Criminal Law
John Burkoff, 2017
Civil Procedure in a Nutshell
Mary Kay Kane, 2013
Global Internet Law in a Nutshell
Michael Rustad, 2015
Civil Procedure: Cases and Materials
Jack Friedenthal, Arthur Miller, John Sexton, Helen Hershkoff, 2013
Principles of Contract Law
Robert Hillman, 2013
Principles of Contract Law
Robert Hillman, 2013
Acing Civil Procedure
A. Spencer, 2014
Acing Civil Procedure
A. Spencer, 2014
Intellectual Property: The Law of Copyrights, Patents and Trademarks
Roger Schechter, John Thomas, 2008
Privacy Law In A Nutshell, 2nd ed.
John Soma, Stephen Rynerson, Erica Kitaev, 2014
Comparative legal traditions in a nutshell
Carozza, Paolo G.; Glendon, Mary Ann; Picker, Colin B., 2016
The Law and Policy of Sentencing and Corrections in a Nutshell (Nutshells)
Lynn Branham, 2017
How to Write Law Exams (Career Guides)
S. I. Strong; Brad Desnoyer, 2015
How to Write Law Exams (Career Guides)
S. I. Strong; Brad Desnoyer, 2015
How to Write Law Exams (Career Guides)
S. I. Strong; Brad Desnoyer, 2015
The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business
Fort, Timothy; Presser, Stephen, 2017
Corporate Finance in a Nutshell
Jeffrey Haas, 2015
Real Estate Finance in a Nutshell
Jon Bruce, 2008