انتشارات West Art Pub

Java Security Solutions
Rich Helton, Johennie Helton, 2002
African-American Poets: 1700s-1940s
Harold Bloom, 2009
Beyer/Walter organic chemistry : a comprehensive degree text and source book
Hans Beyer; Wolfgang Walter, 1997
21st Century Business Series: Entrepreneurship , Second Edition
Cynthia L. Greene, 2010
Globalized Freight Transport: Intermodality, E-commerce, Logistics, And Sustainability (Transport Economics, Management and Policy.)
Thomas R. Leinbach, Cristina Capineri, 2007
The Kabbalah of the Golden Dawn (Golden Dawn Studies No 16)
W. Wynn Westcott, 1997
The Kaleidoscopic Scholarship of Hadrianus Junius, 1511-1575: Northern Humanism at the Dawn of the Dutch Golden Age
Dirk Van Miert (editor), 2011
Atlas of Nuclear Medicine Artifacts and Variants
U. Yun Ryo, Abass Alavi, B. David Collier, Carlos Bekerman, st Pinsky, 1990
ASP.NET AJAX programmer's reference with ASP.NET 2.0 or ASP.NET 3.5
Dr. Shahram Khosravi, 2007
Professional ASP.NET 2.0 Server Control and Component Development
Dr. Shahram Khosravi, 2006
Professional IIS 7 and ASP.NET Integrated Programming
Dr. Shahram Khosravi, 2008
WordPress 3 Plugin Development Essentials
Griffiths, Everett; Bondari, Brian, 2011
Vinyl: A History of the Analogue Record
Richard Osborne, 2012
Securing SCADA Systems
Ronald L. Krutz, 2006
Composition and Properties of Drilling and Completion Fluids
Ryen Caenn, H.C.H. Darley and George R. Gray (Auth.), 2011
Lincos: Design of a Language for Cosmic Intercourse. Part 1
Hans Freudenthal, 1960
Principles of soil dynamics
Braja M. Das, 1993
Ido Dubrawsky (Auth.), 2007
The Psychology and Sociology of Literature: In Honor of Elrud Ibsch
Elrud Ibsch, Dick H. Schram, Gerard Steen, 2002
Template polimerization
S. Polowinski, 1997
An Illustrated Brief History of Western Philosophy
Sir Anthony Kenny, 2006
An illustrated brief history of western philosophy
Anthony Kenny, 2006
A Guide to Dissection of the Human Body
F. Peter Lisowski, 2004