انتشارات White Rose Publishing

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Your Wedding
Cindy K. Green, 2010
Gray's Anatomy Puzzle Book: Think you know your cranium from your clavicle? Tibia from your trachea? Think again ...
Gareth Moore, Gabrielle M Finn, 2020
Square Mile of Murder. Horrific Glasgow Killings
Jack House,Robert Jeffrey,Donald Findlay QC, 2002
Changeling the Lost - Winter Masques
Dawn Elliiott, Ethan Skemp, John Snead, Chuck Wendig, 2007
Denizens of Dread
Jackie Cassada, 2004
Geist: The Sin-Eaters
Ethan Skemp, 2009
Guide to the Traditions *OP (Mage: The Ascension)
David Bolack, Zach Bush, Lynn Davis, Bryan Armor, 2001
Infinite Tapestry: An Umbral Sourcebook (Mage the Ascension)
Stephen Dipesa, Brian Campbell, Sam Inabinet, 2003
Mage the Awakening - Adamantine Arrow
Ethan Skemp, Malcolm Sheppherd, 2007
Mage the Awakening - Magical Traditions
Justin Achilli, Jackie Cassada, Stephen Michael DiPesa, Howard Ingham, Matthew McFarland, Dean Shomshak, Travis Stout, Chuck Wendig, Bill Bridges, 2007
Mage the Awakening - Tome of the Mysteries
Joseph Carriker, Stephen Michael Dipesa, Howard Ingham, Robin Laws, Matthew McFarland, 2006
Mage: The Ascension
WW4600, 2000
Mage: the Ascension - Destiny’s Price
Phil Brucato, Beth Fischi, Amelia G., Stephen Long, 1995
Mage:The Ascension - Forged by Dragon’s Fire
Kraig Black Welder, Leonard Gentile, John Snead, 2003
Promethean: The Created
Bill Bridges, Justin Achilli, Alan Alexander, Conrad Hubbard, Carl Bowen, Matt McFarland, Howard Ingham, Joseph Carriker, Rick Chillot, 2006
Ravenloft - Denizens Of Darkness
Arthaus Staff, 2002
The Fallen Tower: Las Vegas
Conrad Hubbard, Rachelle Udell, 2003
Tradition Book: Hollow Ones (Mage The Ascension)
Angel McCoy, Tadd McDivitt, 2002
Tradition Book: Virtual Adepts (Mage: The Ascension)
Gary Glass, Bill Maxwell, 2003
Vampire the Requiem - Night Horrors: The Wicked Dead
Benjamin Baugh, Steve Darlington, Wood Ingham, Becky Lowe, Matthew McFarland, 2009
Vampire: The Reqiuem - Nosferatu: The Beast That Hunts the Blood
Chuck Wendig, Jess Hartley, Ben Baugh, Orrin Loria, 2009
Vampire: The Requiem - Vampire Daeva Kiss of the Succubus
Russell Bailey, Benjamin Baugh, 2008
Vampire: The Requiem - Vampire Gangrel Savage & Macabre
Russell Bailey, Chuck Wendig, 2008
World of Darkness - Book of the Dead
Martin Henley, Matthew McFarland, John Newman,Christopher Simmons, Travis Stout, Stew Wilson, 2009