انتشارات Who World Health Organization

Basic Epidemiology
Beaglehole , Bonita, 1993
Basic Epidemiology
Beaglehole, Bonita, Kjellstrom, 1993
Guidelines for Drinking-Water Qualtiy Addendum: Microbiological Agents in..
World Health Organization, 2001
Management of Solid Health-care Waste at Primary Health Care Centres: A Decision-making Guide
WHO Department of WaterSanitation and Health, 2005
Water Quality: Guidelines, Standards and Health - Assessment of Risk and Risk Management for Water-related Infectious Diseases
World Health Organization, Lorna Fewtrell, Jamie Bartram, 2001
Climate change and human health: risks and responses
A.J. McMichael, D.H. Campbell-Lendrum, C.F. Corvalan, K.L. Ebi, A. Githelo, J.D. Scheraga, A. Woodward, 2003
Basic Lab Procedures in Clinical Bacteriology
K. Engbaek, C.C. Heuck, P. Piot, P. Rohner, J. Vandepitte, 2003
Guidelines for Clinical Research on Acupuncture
Who Regional Office for the Western Pacific, 1995
Guidelines for the Appropriate Use of Herbal Medicines
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, 1998
Medicinal Plants in China: A Selection of 150 Commonly Used Species
Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, 1989
Medicinal Plants in the Republic of Korea: Information on 150 Commonly Used Medicinal Plants
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, 1998
Medicinal Plants in Viet Nam
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, 2009
Who Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants
World Health Organization, 2007
WHO monographs on selected medicinal plants
World Health Organization, 2007
WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants: Volume 1
World Health Organization, 1999
WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants: Volume 1
World Health Organization, 1999
Cancer Control: Knowledge into Action: Diagnosis and Treatment (Who Guide for Effective Programmes)
World Health Organization, 2008
Guidelines for Surveillance of Drug Resistance in Tuberculosis , 4th ed.
W. van Gemert, M. Zignol, D. Falzon, P. Glaziou, K. Weyer, 2009
Assessing the National Health Information System: Assessment Tool Version 4.0
World Health Organization, 2008
Atlas Epilepsy Care in the World 2005
World Health Organization, 2005
Effective Drug Regulation: A Multicountry Study
S Ratanawijitrasin, E Wondemagegnebu, 2002