انتشارات Wiley Ieee Press

Modern Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Power Electronics
Gregory S. Nusinovich, 2005
The Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm
Ozgur Ergul, 2014
Wavelets in Electromagnetics and Device Modeling
George W. Pan, 2003
Wavelets in Electromagnetics and Device Modeling
George W. Pan, 2003
An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis: Applications in Signal Processing and Music Informatics
Alexander Lerch(auth.), 2012
An Introduction to Statistical Communication Theory: An IEEE Press Classic Reissue
David Middleton, 1996
An Introduction to Wavelet Modulated Inverters
S. A. Saleh, 2010
Analysis of Multiconductor Transmission Lines
Clayton R. Paul, 2007
Digital Microwave Communication: Engineering Point-to-Point Microwave Systems
George Kizer(auth.), 2013
Modeling and Design Techniques for RF Power Amplifiers
Arvind Raghavan, 2008
Modeling and Design Techniques for RF Power Amplifiers
Arvind Raghavan, 2008
Electromyography: Physiology, Engineering, and Non-Invasive Applications
Roberto Merletti, 2004
Electronic and Photonic Circuits and Devices (Ieee Press Series on Microelectronic Systems)
Ronald W. Waynant, 1998
Electrostatic Discharge: Understand, Simulate, and Fix ESD Problems
Michel Mardiguian, 2009
Electrostatic Discharge: Understand, Simulate, and Fix ESD Problems, Third Edition
Michel Mardiguian(auth.), 2009
Robert H. Clark, 2007
Elements of Tidal-Electric Engineering
Robert H. Clark, 2007
EM Detection of Concealed Targets
Daniels, 2010