انتشارات Wiley Interscience

Inorganic Synthesis, Vol. 25
Harry R. Allcock, 1989
Sensing, Intelligence, Motion : How Robots and Humans Move in an Unstructured World
Vladimir J. Lumelsky, 2005
Sensing, Intelligence, Motion : How Robots and Humans Move in an Unstructured World
Vladimir J. Lumelsky, 2005
Fundamentals of Telecommunications
Roger L. Freeman, 2005
Fundamentals of Telecommunications
Roger L. Freeman, 2005
Introduction to Multimedia Communications: Applications, Middleware, Networking
Kamisetty Rao, ZoranBojkovic, DragoradMilovanovic, 2006
Modeling and Analysis of Telecommunications Networks
Jeremiah F. Hayes, Thimma V. J. Ganesh Babu, 2004
Nanotechnology Applications to Telecommunications and Networking
Daniel Minoli, 2006
Finite element analysis
Barna Szabó, Ivo Babuska, 1991
Finite Element Analysis
Barna Szabó, Ivo Babuska, 1991
Finite Element Analysis
Barna Szabó, Ivo Babuska, 1991
Fundamentals of Analytical Toxicology
Robert J. Flanagan, Andrew A. Taylor, Ian D. Watson, Robin Whelpton, 2008
Fundamentals of Analytical Toxicology
Robert J. Flanagan, Andrew A. Taylor, Ian D. Watson, Robin Whelpton, 2008
Fundamentals of Analytical Toxicology
Robert J. Flanagan, Andrew A. Taylor, Ian D. Watson, Robin Whelpton, 2008
Architecture-Independent Programming for Wireless Sensor Networks (Wiley Series on Parallel and Distributed Computing)
Amol B. Bakshi, Viktor K. Prasanna, 2008
Hydraulics of Pipelines: Pumps, Valves, Cavitation, Transients
J. Paul Tullis, 1989
Kinetics of Materials
Robert W. Balluffi, Samuel M. Allen, W. Craig Carter, 2005
Kinetics of Materials
Robert W. Balluffi, Samuel M. Allen, W. Craig Carter, 2005
Handbook of statistical genetics, Volume 1 and 2
D. J. Balding, 2007
Approximate dynamic programming: Solving the curses of dimensionality
Warren B. Powell, 2007
Approximate Dynamic Programming: Solving the Curses of Dimensionality
Warren B. Powell, 2007
Markov decision processes. Discrete stochastic dynamic programming MVspa
Martin L. Puterman, 2005
Markov decision processes: discrete stochastic dynamic programming
Martin L. Puterman, 1994
Computing for numerical methods using Visual Cpp
Shaharuddin Salleh, Albert Y. Zomaya, Sakhinah A. Bakar, 2007