انتشارات Wilfrid Laurier University Press

From Logos to Christos : essays on Christology in honour of Joanne McWilliam
Leonard, Ellen M.; Merriman, Kate, 2010
Image and identity : reflections on Canadian film and culture
R. Bruce Elder, 2009
Ecologies of the moving image : cinema, affect, nature
Ivakhiv, Adrian J., 2013
Argimou: A Legend of the Micmac
Douglas S. Huyghue; Gwendolyn Davies, 2017
Theories of Property: Aristotle to the Present
Anthony Parel, Thomas Flanagan, 1979
1930: Europe in the Shadow of the Beast
Arthur Haberman, 2018
The H Factor of Personality: Why Some People are Manipulative, Self-Entitled, Materialistic, and Exploitive―And Why It Matters for Everyone
Kibeom Lee, Michael C. Ashton, 2012
Wittgenstein’s Ethics and Modern Warfare
Nil Santiáñez, 2018
Avant Canada: Poets, Prophets, Revolutionaries
Gregory Betts; Christian Bök, 2018
Towards an ethics of community : negotiations of difference in a pluralist society
Olthuis, James H., 2000
The New Hamburg Pottery: New Hamburg, Ontario 1854-1916
David Newlands, 1978
The Dialogue of Writing: Essays in Eighteenth-Century French Literature
Christie McDonald, 1984
Persistence of the Gift: Tongan Tradition in Transnational Context
Mike Evans, 2001
Canadian Television: Text and Context
Marian Bredin, Scott Henderson, Sarah A. Matheson, 2011
John Ruskin and Switzerland
John Hayman, 1990
The Life and Letters of Annie Leake Tuttle: Working for the Best
Marilyn Färdig Whiteley, 1999
Canadian Social Policy: Issues and Perspectives
Anne Westhues, Brian Wharf, 2012
The Shape of the Great Pyramid
Roger Herz-Fischler, 2000
Christ and Satan: A Critical Edition
Robert Emmett Finnegan (ed.), 1977
"Beowulf" and Celtic Tradition
Martin Puhvel, 1979
Reverse Shots: Indigenous Film and Media in an International Context (Film and Media Studies)
Wendy Gay Pearson (editor), Susan Knabe (editor), 2014
The World of Niagara Wine
Michael Ripmeester (editor), Phillip Gordon Mackintosh (editor), Christopher Fullerton (editor), 2013