انتشارات Willan Pub

Understanding Criminal Behaviour: Psychosocial Approaches to Criminality
David W. Jones, 2008
Understanding Criminal Behaviour: Psychosocial Approaches to Criminality
David W. Jones, 2008
Victims of Crime
Matthew Hall, 2009
What Matters in Probation
George Mair, 2004
Young People, Crime and Justice
Roger Hopkins Burke, 2008
Youth Justice: Ideas, Policy, Practice
Roger Shipley Smith, 2007
Managing Clinical Risk: A Guide to Effective Practice
Caroline Logan, 2012
Football Hooliganism
Steve Frosdick, Peter Marsh, 2005
Imaginary penalities
Pat Carlen (ed.), 2008
La Varenne Pratique: Part 1, The Basics
Willan, Anne, 1989
Dirty Dancing?: An Ethnography of Lap Dancing
Rachela Colosi, 2010
Hate Crime: Concepts, policy, future directions
Neil Chakraborti (ed.), 2010
Analysing Women's Imprisonment
Pat Carlen, 2004
Working with Women Offenders in the Community
Rosemary Sheehan; Gill McIvor; Chris Trotter, 2010
Genetic Policing: The Use of DNA in Criminal Investigations
Robin Williams; Paul Johnson, 2008
The Dynamics of Desistance: Charting Pathways Through Change
Deirdre Healy, 2012