انتشارات William B. Eerdmans Pub. Company

Justified in the Spirit: creation, redemption, and the triune God
Macchia, Frank D., 2010
Justified in the Spirit: creation, redemption, and the triune God
Macchia, Frank D., 2010
Scientific Theology: Volume 2: Reality
Alister E. McGrath, 2002
Backgrounds of Early Christianity
Everett Ferguson, 1993
Žižek: A (Very) Critical Introduction
Marcus Pound, 2008
Evolution and Ethics: Human Morality in Biological and Religious Perspective
Philip Clayton, 2004
Judaism of the Second Temple Period: Volume 1, Qumran and Apocalypticism
David Flusser, 2007
Rewriting Scripture in Second Temple Times
Sidnie W. Crawford, 2008
The End of Memory: Remembering Rightly in a Violent World
Miroslav Volf, 2006
The Historical Christ and the Theological Jesus
Dale C., 2009
The One Who Is to Come
Joseph A. Fitzmyer, 2007
The One Who Is to Come
Joseph A. Fitzmyer, 2007
Faith seeking understanding: an introduction to Christian theology
Daniel L. Migliore, 2014
The Holy Spirit : in biblical teaching, through the centuries, and today
Thiselton, Anthony C., 2013
Psalms, Part 2 and Lamentations
Erhard, S. Gerstenberger, 2001
Metaphysics and the Idea of God
Wolfhart Pannenberg; Philip Clayton, 1990
Remembrance, communion, and hope : rediscovering the Gospel at the Lord’s Table
Billings, J. Todd, 2018
A History of the Church in Latin America
Enrique Dussel, 1981
Celtic Women: Women in Celtic Society and Literature
Peter Berresford Ellis, 1996