انتشارات Wipf

Pneuma and logos : the role of the Spirit in biblical hermeneutics
Wyckoff, John Wesley, 2010
From sacred story to sacred text : canon as paradigm
Sanders, James A., 1999
Pentecostal and postmodern hermeneutics : comparisons and contemporary impact
Noel, Bradley Truman, 2007
Pentecostal and postmodern hermeneutics : comparisons and contemporary impact
Noel, Bradley Truman, 2010
A guide to contemporary hermeneutics : major trends in biblical interpretation
McKim, Donald K., 1999
Vital Issues in the Inerrancy Debate.
Farnell, F. David; Geisler, Norman L.; Holden, Joseph M., 2016
Theosis: Deification in Christian Theology
Stephen Finlan (Editor), Vladimir Kharlamov (Editor), 2006
The Holy Spirit and the Gospel Tradition
Charles Kingsley Barrett, 2011
The Revenge of Conscience
J. Budziszewski, 2010
Worship: Rediscovering the Missing Jewel
Ronald Allen; Gordon Borror, 2001
Pentecostal formation : a pedagogy among the oppressed
Freire, Paulo; Johns, Cheryl Bridges; Freire, Paulo, 2010
Listening Well : The Art of Empathic Understanding
William R. Miller, 2018
Meta : on God, the big questions, and the just city : (an uncommon exchange)
Jaworski, Wit; Lee, Adam; Murtagh, Andrew, 2017
Metaphors We Teach By: How Metaphors Shape What We Do in Classrooms
Ken Badley & Harro Van Brummelen, 2012
Metaphors We Teach By: How Metaphors Shape What We Do in Classrooms
Ken Badley; Harro Van Brummelen, 2012
Ethics and Community
Enrique Dussel; Robert Barr, 2008
The only wise God : the compatibility of divine foreknowledge and human freedom
Craig, William Lane, 2000