انتشارات Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams

Psychiatric-mental health nursing
Sheila L Videbeck, 2011
Principles and practice of geriatric psychiatry
Marc E. Agronin MD, 2011
The M.D. Anderson surgical oncology handbook
Feig, Barry W., 2012
Taylor's clinical nursing skills : a nursing process approach
Pamela Barbara Lynn, 2011
The chemotherapy source book
Perry, 2008
Complementary fat grafting
Samuel M. Lam MD, 2007
Designing clinical research
Dr. Stephen B Hulley MDMPH, 2013
ECG Strip Ease: An Arrhythmia Interpretation Workbook
Springhouse, 2007
Essential emergency trauma
Quaas, Joshua, 2011
Foundations of periodontics for the dental hygienist
Jill S Nield-Gehrig, 2011
Grabb and Smith's plastic surgery
Charles Thorne, 2007
Grant's atlas of anatomy
A M R Agur, 2013
Greenfield's surgery : scientific principles and practice
Lazar J Greenfield, 2011
Greenfield's surgery: scientific principles and practice
Lazar J Greenfield, 2011
Mastery of surgery
Josef E Fischer, 2007
Medical physiology : principles for clinical medicine
Rodney Rhoades, 2013
NCLEX-RN review made incredibly easy!
Lippincott Williams &, 2011
Neuroanatomy : an atlas of structures, sections, and systems
Duane E Haines
Nurse's 3-minute clinical reference
Springhouse, 2008
Nursing diagnosis: application to clinical practice
Lynda Juall Carpenito-Moyet, 2009
Ophthalmology review manual
Kenneth C Chern, 2012
Orthopaedic Key Review Concepts
Kingsley R. Chin, 2007
Osteopathic medicine recall
Andrew D Mosier, 2007
Pathophysiology made incredibly visual!
Lippincott Williams &, 2012