انتشارات Woodhead Publishing

Denim: Manufacture, Finishing and Applications
Roshan Paul, 2015
Denim: Manufacture, Finishing and Applications
Roshan Paul, 2015
Design and Manufacture of Textile Composites
A. C. Long, 2005
Designing apparel for consumers : the impact of body shape and size
Marie-Eve Faust; Serge Carrier, 2014
Designing apparel for consumers: The impact of body shape and size
Marie-Eve Faust, 2014
Designing apparel for consumers: The impact of body shape and size
Marie-Eve Faust, 2014
Dictionary of Textile Finishing. Deutsch/englisch, English/german
H-K. Rouette (Auth.), 2002
Digital Printing of Textiles
H. Ujiie, 2006
Ecotextile ’98: Sustainable development
Richard Horrocks, 1999
Ecotextiles 2004: The Way Forward for Sustainable Development in Textiles (Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles)
M. Miraftab, A. R. Horrocks, 2007
Ecotextiles: The way forward for sustainable development in textiles
Mohsen Miraftab, 2007
Effect of mechanical and physical properties on fabric hand
Hassan Behery, 2005
Electronic Textiles: Smart Fabrics and Wearable Technology
Tilak Dias, 2015
Electronic Textiles: Smart Fabrics and Wearable Technology
Tilak Dias, 2015
Engineering Apparel Fabrics and Garments (Woodhead Publishing Series in Textiles)
J. Fan, L. Hunter, 2009
Engineering techniques of ring spinning
Bhattacharya, Someshwar S.; Shaikh, Tasnim N, 2016
Environmental Aspects of Textile Dyeing Publisher
R. Christie, 2007
Environmental Impact of Textiles
K. Slater, 2003
Environmental Impact of Textiles. Production, Processes and Protection
K. Slater (Auth.), 2003
Fabric Structures in Architecture
J Llorens, 2015
Fabric Structures in Architecture
J Llorens, 2015
Fabric Testing (Woodhead Textiles Series)
J. Hu, 2008