انتشارات World Book Company

Acoustic And Radio EEV Neurtrino Detection Activities
Rolf Nahnhauer, Sebastian Boser, 2006
Dynamics and Robust Control of Robot-environment Interaction (New Frontiers in Robotics)
Vukobratovic Miomir, Surdilovic Dragoljub, Ekalo Yury, 2009
Fundamentals of Robotics: Linking Perception to Action
Ming Xie, 2003
Fundamentals of robotics: linking perception to action
Ming Xie, 2003
Design of high-speed communication circuits / editor, Ramesh Harjani
Ramesh Harjani, 2006
Mixed Analog-Digital Vlsi Device and Technology
Yannis Tsividis, 2002
Conical intersections: electronic structure, dynamics & spectroscopy
Wolfgang Domcke, David R. Yarkony, Horst Koppel, 2004
Energy In The 21st Century
John R. Fanchi, 2005
Energy In The 21st Century
John R. Fanchi, 2005
Energy In The 21st Century
John R. Fanchi, 2005
Metallothioneins in Biochemistry and Pathology
Paolo Zatta, Paolo Zatta, 2008
Annual review of nano research Volume 1
Guozhong Cao, C. Jeffrey Brinker, 2006
Chemistry of Nanocrystalline Oxide Materials Combustion Synthesis Properties and Applications
K. C. Patil, M. S. Hegde, Tanu Rattan, S. T. Aruna, 2008
Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials
Peidong Yang, 2004
Vehicle-Bridge Interaction Dynamics: With Applications To High-Speed Railways
Y. B. Yang, J. D. Yau, Y. S. Wu, 2004
Number Theory: Sailing on the Sea of Number Theory: Proceedings of the 4th China-Japan Seminar
S. Kanemitsu, J-y Liu, 2007
Astrobiology, Comets And the Origin of Life
Chandra Wickramasinghe, 2009
Advanced Semiconductor Heterostructures Novel Devices Potential Device Applications and Basic Prope
Michael A. Stroscio, Mitra Dutta, 2003
Bioinformatics: A Swiss Perspective
Ron D. Appel, Ernest Feytmans, Ron D Appel, 2009
Climate Change, Adaptive Capacity and Development
Richard J. T. Klein, Saleemul Huq, Joel B. Smith, 2003