انتشارات World Scientific Pub Co (

Game Theory and Mechanism Design
Y Narahari, 2014
World century compendium to TCM. / Vol. 7, Introduction to tui na
Jiang, Xiao, 2013
World century compendium to TCM. / Vol. 7, Introduction to tui na
Jiang, Xiao, 2013
Differential Geometry from Singularity Theory Viewpoint
Shyuichi Izumiya, Maria del Carmen Romero Fuster, 2015
Prime Numbers, Friends Who Give Problems: A Trialogue with Papa Paulo
Paulo Ribenboim, 2017
Randomness And Undecidability In Physics
K Svozil, 1993
Fuzzy Algorithms. With Applications to Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
Zheru Chi, Hong Yan, Tuan Pham, 1996
Use of High Performance Computing in Meteorology: Proceedings of the ECMWF Workshop on the Use of High Performance Computing in Meteorology, Reading, UK, 25-29 October 2004
Walter Zwieflhofer, George Mozdzynski, 2005
Colour atlas of ophtalmology
Arthur S. M. Lim, Ian J. Constable, Arthur Lim Siew Ming, 1996
A Clinical Approach to Medicine
Yong Yau Ong, K. T. Woo, Han Seong Ng, Patrick Tan, Ong Teng Tang, 2004
Block Designs: Analysis, Combinatorics and Applications
Damaraju Raghavarao, Lakshmi V. Padgett, 2005
Colour Atlas of Ophthalmology
Arthur S. M. Lim, Ian J. Constable, Arthur Lim Siew Ming, 1996
From Field Theory to Quantum Groups: Birthday Volume dedicated to Jerzy Lukierski
Bernard Jancewicz, Jan Sobczyk, 1996
2D Quantum Gravity and SC at high Tc
Abhay Ashtekar, 1991
50 Years of Yang-Mills Theory
Gerardus t Hooft, 2005
Asianano, 2002
Masatsugu Shimomura, Teruya Ishihara, 2003
Controlled Growth of Nanomaterials
Lide Zhang, Xiaosheng Fang, Changhui Ye, 2007