انتشارات Yale University Press

Battered Women and Feminist Lawmaking
Elizabeth M. Schneider, 2000
Can God and Caesar Coexist?: Balancing Religious Freedom and International Law
Robert F. Drinan S.J., 2004
''Liberty to the Downtrodden'': Thomas L. Kane, Romantic Reformer
Matthew J. Grow, 2009
1688: The First Modern Revolution
Steve Pincus, 2009
1688: The First Modern Revolution
Steve Pincus, 2009
America's Inadvertent Empire
Gen. William E. Odom, Robert Dujarric, 2004
A Philosophy of Second Language Acquisition
Marysia Johnson, 2003
A Korean-English dictionary
by Samuel E. Martin, Yang Ha Lee, Sung-Un Chang., 1975
Health and the Rise of Civilization
Professor Mark Nathan Cohen, 1991
Attention Deficit Disorder
Dr. Thomas BrownPh.D., 2005
Ritual and Knowledge among the Baktaman of New Guinea
Fredrik Barth, 1975
Useful Enemies: When Waging Wars Is More Important Than Winning Them
David Keen, 2012
A Guide to Philosophy in Six Hours and Fifteen Minutes
Witold Gombrowicz, Benjamin Ivry, 2004
Building Cross-Cultural Competence: How to Create Wealth from Conflicting Values
Mr. Charles M. Hampden-Turner, Mr. Fons Trompenaars, 2000
Global Rules: America, Britain and a Disordered World
James E. Cronin, 2014
Pesikta Rabbati: Homiletical Discourses for Festal Days and Special Sabbaths 1 & 2
Leon Nemoy, Saul Lieberman, Harry A. Wolfson, William G. Braude, 1968
The Midrash on Psalms: Vol 1
Leon Nemoy, Saul Lieberman, Harry A. Wolfson, William G. Braude, 1959
The Midrash on Psalms: Vol. 2
Leon Nemoy, Saul Lieberman, Harry A. Wolfson, William G. Braude, 1959
Bank Management & Portfolio Behavior
Donald D. Hester, 1975
Defying Empire: Trading with the Enemy in Colonial New York
Thomas M. Truxes, 2008