انتشارات pergamon Press

Protides of the biological fluids : 29th Colloquium
Hubert Peeters, 1981
A Course of Mathematical Analysis, Part II
A. F. Bermant, 1963
Control in power electronics and electrical drives : proceedings of the 3. IFAC Symposium, Lausanne, 12 - 14 Sept. 1983
Rudolf Zwicky; International Federation of Automatic Control; Symposium on Control in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives, 1984
Control in power electronics and electrical drives : proceedings of the second IFAC symposium, Düsseldorf, Federal Republic of Germany, 3-5 October 1977
Werner Leonhard; VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess- und Regelungstechnik, 1978
Advances in Machine Tool Design and Research 1969. Proceedings of the 10th International M.T.D.R. Conference, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, September 1969
S. A. Tobias and F. Koenigsberger (Eds.), 1970
Analysis, Design and Evaluation of Man–Machine Systems. Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IEA Conference, Varese, Italy, 10–12 September 1985
Jukka Ranta; International Federation of Automatic Control, 1986
Analysis, design, and evaluation of man-machine systems 1988 : selected papers from the Third IFAC/IFIP/IEA/IFORS conference, Oulu, Finland, 14-16 June 1988
Stefanos Kaxiras (auth.), Nicolas Lorente, Christian Joachim (eds.), 1989
Ports and Inland Waterways. Reviews of United Kingdom Statistical Sources
R. E. Baxter, Celia M. Phillips and W. F. Maunder (Auth.), 1979
Building Research Policies. Proceedings of a Seminar on Building Research Policies, Organized by the Committee on Housing, Building and Planning of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, with the Swedish Government As Host
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Committee on Housing, Building and Planning (Auth.), 1978
A Study of Growth and Decline. Urban Europe
Leo van den Berg, Roy Drewett and Leo H. Klaassen (Auth.), 1982
Tradition and Change in Swedish Education
L. Boucher (Auth.), 1982
Readings in the Swedish Class Structure
Richard Scase (Eds.), 1976
Collected works. Vol.6 Theory of games, astrophysics, hydrodynamics and meteorology
von Neumann J., 1963
Basic Analytical Chemistry
L. Pataki, E. Zapp, R. Belcher, D. Betteridge and L. Meites (Auth.), 1980
Analysis of Electrical Machines
Richard T. Smith (Auth.), 1982
A One-Year Accounting Course
Trevor Gambling, R Brown, G. Chandler and W. A. Davis (Auth.), 1969
Analysis of Engineering Cycles. Power, Refrigerating and Gas Liquefaction Plant
R. W. Haywood (Auth.), 1991
Introducing Structures. A Textbook for Students of Civil and Structural Engineering, Building and Architecture
A. J. Francis (Auth.), 1980
Controlled Atmospheres for Heat Treatment
R. Nemenyi and G. H. J. Bennett (Auth.), 1984
Agrochemicals in Soils
A. Banin and U Kafkafi (Eds.), 1980
Arid Land Irrigation in Developing Countries. Environmental Problems and Effects
E. Barton Worthington (Eds.), 1977