نتایج جستجو

Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science: 4th International Conference, CALCO 2011, Winchester, UK, August 30 – September 2, 2011. Proceedings
Giorgio Bacci, Vincent Danos, Ohad Kammar (auth.), Andrea Corradini, Bartek Klin, Corina Cîrstea (eds.), 2011
Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science: 4th International Conference, CALCO 2011, Winchester, UK, August 30 – September 2, 2011. Proceedings
Giorgio Bacci, Vincent Danos, Ohad Kammar (auth.), Andrea Corradini, Bartek Klin, Corina Cîrstea (eds.), 2011
Applied Informatics and Communication: International Conference, ICAIC 2011, Xi’an, China, August 20-21, 2011, Proceedings, Part IV
Weicheng Xiong, Chanle Wu, Libing Wu, Xiaojun Guo, Yibo Chen, Ming Xie (auth.), Jun Zhang (eds.), 2011
Abelian Groups and Modules: International Conference in Dublin, August 10–14, 1998
James D. Reid, William J. Wickless (auth.), Paul C. Eklof, Rüdiger Göbel (eds.), 1999
Function spaces, interpolation theory, and related topics: proceedings of the international conference in honour of Jaak Peetre on his 65th birthday: Lund, Sweden, August 17-22, 2000
Jaak Peetre, E. Englis, Alois Kufner, Lars-Erik Persson, Gunnar Sparr, Michael Cwikel, 2002
Function spaces, interpolation theory, and related topics: proceedings of the international conference in honour of Jaak Peetre on his 65th birthday: Lund, Sweden, August 17-22, 2000
Jaak Peetre, E. Englis, Alois Kufner, Lars-Erik Persson, Gunnar Sparr, Michael Cwikel, 2002
Interpolation Spaces and Allied Topics in Analysis: Proceedings of the Conference held in Lund, Sweden, August 29 – September 1, 1983
Jaak Peetre (auth.), Michael Cwikel, Jaak Peetre (eds.), 1984
Information Technology in Bio- and Medical Informatics: 4th International Conference, ITBAM 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, August 28, 2013. Proceedings
Filipe Portela, Manuel Filipe Santos, José Machado, António Abelha, Álvaro Silva (auth.), Miroslav Bursa, Sami Khuri, M. Elena Renda (eds.), 2013
Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: 12th Annual Conference, TAROS 2011, Sheffield, UK, August 31 – September 2, 2011. Proceedings
Jan Wessnitzer, Alexandros Asthenidis, Georgios Petrou, Barbara Webb (auth.), Roderich Groß, Lyuba Alboul, Chris Melhuish, Mark Witkowski, Tony J. Prescott, Jacques Penders (eds.), 2011
Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems: 12th Annual Conference, TAROS 2011, Sheffield, UK, August 31 – September 2, 2011. Proceedings
Jan Wessnitzer, Alexandros Asthenidis, Georgios Petrou, Barbara Webb (auth.), Roderich Groß, Lyuba Alboul, Chris Melhuish, Mark Witkowski, Tony J. Prescott, Jacques Penders (eds.), 2011
Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: 4th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2001 Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 30 – August 2, 2001 Proceedings
Ralph Bergmann (auth.), David W. Aha, Ian Watson (eds.), 2001
Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development: 4th International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning, ICCBR 2001 Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 30 – August 2, 2001 Proceedings
Ralph Bergmann (auth.), David W. Aha, Ian Watson (eds.), 2001
The Economist August 27th, 2011 volume 400 issue 8748
The Economist Group (Publisher), 2011
The Economist 13 August 2011 volume 400 issue 8746
The Economist Group, 2011
Computer Power User – 2011 August volume 11 issue 08
Sandhills Publishing Company, 2011
Handelsbetrieb und Marktordnung: Festschrift Carl Ruberg zum 70. Geburtstag
Horst Albach, Karl Christian Behrens, Bernhard Bellinger, Fritz Wilhelm Hardach, Wilhelm Hasenack, Friedrich Henzel, Reinhold Henzler, Walter le Coutre, August Marx, Konrad Mellerowicz, Robert Nieschlag, Rudolf Seyffert, Thorismund Weller (auth.), 1962
Behavior and Social Computing: International Workshop on Behavior and Social Informatics, BSI 2013, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, April 14-17, 2013 and International Workshop on Behavior and Social Informatics and Computing, BSIC 2013, Beijing, China, August 3-9, 2013, Revised Selected Papers
Ma Zhixin, Xu Yusheng, Tharam S. Dillon (auth.), Longbing Cao, Hiroshi Motoda, Jaideep Srivastava, Ee-Peng Lim, Irwin King, Philip S. Yu, Wolfgang Nejdl, Guandong Xu, Gang Li, Ya Zhang (eds.), 2013
Eruptive Solar Flares: Proceedings of Colloquium No. 133 of the International Astronomical Union Held at Iguazú, Argentina, 2–6 August 1991
Z. à vestka, E. W. Cliver (auth.), Zdeněk à vestka, Bernard V. Jackson, Marcos E. Machado (eds.), 1992
Solar and Stellar Flares: Proceedings of the 104th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union held in Stanford, California, August 15–19, 1988
Bernhard M. Haisch, Marcello Rodonò (auth.), Bernhard M. Haisch, Marcello Rodonò (eds.), 1989
Angular Correlations in Nuclear Disintegration: Proceedings of the International Conference on Angular Correlations in Nuclear Disintegration Delft, The Netherlands August 17–22, 1970
R. M. Steffen (auth.), Hans van Krugten, Bob van Nooijen (eds.), 1971
THE Aromatherapy Handbook
Tamar Goldstein, Bill M. Moore, R.J. Peters, Claire Poulton, Steve Watson, August Wusterhausen, 2006
Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing: International Conference, EUC 2006, Seoul, Korea, August 1-4, 2006. Proceedings
Kang G. Shin (auth.), Edwin Sha, Sung-Kook Han, Cheng-Zhong Xu, Moon-Hae Kim, Laurence T. Yang, Bin Xiao (eds.), 2006
Studies in Labor Market Dynamics: Proceedings of a Workshop on Labor Market Dynamics Held at Sandbjerg, Denmark August 24 – 28, 1982
Per Kragh Andersen (auth.), Prof. George R. Neumann, Prof. Niels C. Westergård-Nielsen (eds.), 1984