نتایج جستجو

Iso 9001: 2000 Document Development Compliance Manual: A Complete Guide and CD-ROM
Syed Imtiaz Haider, 2001
Pharmaceutical Master Validation Plan: The Ultimate Guide to FDA, GMP and GLP Compliance
Syed Imtiaz Haider, 2001
Democracy and Authoritarianism in Indonesia and Malaysia: The Rise of the Post-Colonial State
Syed Farid Alatas, 1997
Democracy and Authoritarianism in Indonesia and Malaysia: The Rise of the Post-Colonial State
Syed Farid Alatas (auth.), 1997
Schaum's Outline Series Theory and Problems of Basic Electrical Engineering
Jimmie J. Cathey, Syed A. Nasar, 1983
Handbook of mobile broadcasting: DVB-H, DMB, ISDB-T, and mediaflo
Borko Furht, Syed A. Ahson, 2008
Handbook of Mobile Broadcasting: DVB-H, DMB, ISDB-T, AND MEDIAFLO (Internet and Communications)
Borko Furht, Syed A. Ahson, 2008
Handbook of Mobile Broadcasting: DVB-H, DMB, ISDB-T, AND MEDIAFLO (Internet and Communications)
Borko Furht, Syed A. Ahson, 2008
Information und Menschenbild
Mathias Gutmann, Benjamin Rathgeber, Tareq Syed (auth.), Michael Bölker, Mathias Gutmann, Wolfgang Hesse (eds.), 2010
Intelligent Transport Systems: 802.11-based Roadside-to-Vehicle Communications
Syed Faraz Hasan, Nazmul Siddique, Shyam Chakraborty (auth.), 2013
Basic and Clinical Science Course, 2008-2009, Section 4: Ophthalmic Pathology and Intraocular Tumors
Debra J. Shetlar, Patricia Chevez-Barrios, Sander Dubovy, Robert H. Rosa, Jr, Nasreen Syed, Matthew W. Wilson, Ron W. Pelton, Jacob Pe'er, 2008
Cisco IOS XR Fundamentals
Mobeen Tahir, Mark Ghattas, Dawit Birhanu, Syed Natif Nawaz, 2009
Cisco IOS XR Fundamentals
Mobeen Tahir, Mark Ghattas, Dawit Birhanu, Syed Natif Nawaz, 2009
Aerodynamik des Automobils: Eine Brücke von der Strömungsmechanik zur Fahrzeugtechnik
Syed R. Ahmed, Bernward Bayer, Norbert Deußen, Hans-Joachim Emmelmann, Helmut Flegl, Alfons Gilhaus, Hans Götz, Holger Großmann, Ralf Hoffmann, Wolf-Heinrich Hucho, Dietrich Hummel, Görgün A. Necati, Raimund Piatek, Michael Rauser, Dieter Schlenz, Wulf Sebbeße, Peter Steinberg (auth.), Dr.-Ing. Wolf-Heinrich Hucho (eds.), 1999
2008+ Solved Problems in Electromagnetics
Syed A. Nasar, 2007
A comprehensive review of lubricant chemistry, technology, selection, and design
Syed QA Rizvi, 2009
Internet Commerce and Software Agents: Cases, Technologies and Opportunities
Syed Mahbubur Rahman, Robert J. Bignall, 2001
Beginning C Sharp. 2008 Databases. From Novice to Pro
Syed Fahad Gilani, 2008
Schaum's Outline of Electrical Power Systems
Syed Nasar, 1989