نتایج جستجو

Inside the Muslim Brotherhood: The Truth about the World’s Most Powerful Political Movement (biography of Youssef Nada)
NADA, Youssefand THOMPSON, Douglas, 2012
Nanometer CMOS RFICs for Mobile TV Applications
Ahmed A. Youssef, 2010
Decision Making Applications in Modern Power Systems
Shady H.E. Abdel Aleem (editor), Almoataz Youssef Abdelaziz (editor), Ahmed F. Zobaa (editor), Ramesh Bansal (editor), 2019
Advances in Plan-Based Control of Robotic Agents: International Seminar Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, October 21–26, 2001 Revised Papers
Rachid Alami, Silvia Silva da Costa Bothelho (auth.), Michael Beetz, Joachim Hertzberg, Malik Ghallab, Martha E. Pollack (eds.), 2002
Advances in Plan-Based Control of Robotic Agents: International Seminar Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, October 21–26, 2001 Revised Papers
Rachid Alami, Silvia Silva da Costa Bothelho (auth.), Michael Beetz, Joachim Hertzberg, Malik Ghallab, Martha E. Pollack (eds.), 2002
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems 6
K. Stoy, R. Nagpal (auth.), Rachid Alami Ph.D., Raja Chatila Ph.D., Hajime Asama Ph.D. (eds.), 2007
Distributed Autonomous Robotic System 6 (v. 6)
Richard Alami
Distributed Autonomous Robotic System 6 (v. 6)
Richard Alami, 2007
Mechanical Energy Storage For Renewable And Sustainable Energy Resources
Abdul Hai Alami, 2020
Jus Buah Sayuran Herbal Alami Untuk Menghilangkan Penyakit Asam Lambung Kelas Berat (GERD) Versi Bilingual
Jannah Firdaus Mediapro, 2022
The Origins of Visual Culture in the Islamic World: Aesthetics, Art and Architecture in Early Islam
Mohammed Hamdouni Alami, 2015
The Origins of Visual Culture in the Islamic World: Aesthetics, Art and Architecture in Early Islam
Mohammed Hamdouni Alami, 2015
Jus Herbal Alami Untuk Menyembuhkan Depresi Kelas Berat (Bad Depression) & Memperkuat Kesehatan Mental Spiritual (Soul Relaxation)
Jannah Firdaus Mediapro, Cyber Sakura Flower Labs, 2022
Biomedical applications of vibration and acoustics for imaging and characterisations
Ahmed Al-Jumaily, Mostafa Fatemi, Ahmed Al-Jumaily, Mostafa Fatemi, 2008
Biomedical applications of vibration and acoustics in therapy, bioeffects and modeling
Ahmed Al-Jumaily, Azra Alizad, Ahmed Al-Jumaily, Azra Alizad, 2008
B Vitamins and Folate: Chemistry, Analysis, Function and Effects
Victor R Preedy, Hideyuki Hayashi, Bernard Do, M H Ahmed, Lucien Bettendorff, K Shibata, T Fukuwatari, Dorla L Lildballe, T Yagi, Micheal Rychlik, C Sanchez-Moreno, R Agarwal, Faruk Ahmed, John R Guyton, F Bamonti, R Prakash, Jutta Dierkes, C Antoniades, Y Kohda, S Fushinobu, Fernandez-Mejia, D Gaso-Sokac, J Zempleni, A Lebiedzinska, S H Lee, Natalie M Zahr, H Zielinski, M A Segundo, Robert Goldschmidt, M. S. Thakur, T Apeland, A S Hazell, A Szutowicz, Junko Ishihara, A Chango, K Koyama, Jia Luo, 2012
Adoption-centric Usability Engineering: Systematic Deployment, Assessment and Improvement of Usability Methods in Software Engineering
Ahmed Seffah PhD, Eduard Metzker PhD (auth.), Ahmed Seffah PhD, Eduard Metzker PhD (eds.), 2009
Difficult Conditions in Laparoscopic Urologic Surgery
Ahmed M. Al-Kandari, Inderbir S. Gill (auth.), Ahmed Al-Kandari, Inderbir S. Gill (eds.), 2011
The Hadhrami Diaspora in Southeast Asia
Ahmed Ibrahim Abushouk, Hassan Ahmed Ibrahim, 2009