نتایج جستجو

Badiou and Deleuze read literature
Badiou, Alain; Deleuze, Gilles; Deleuze, Gilles; Lecercle, Jean-Jacques; Badiou, Alain, 2010
Derrida, Badiou and the formal imperative
Badiou, Alain; Derrida, Jacques; Norris, Christopher; Badiou, Alain; Derrida, Jacques, 2012
A República de Platão - Recontada Por Alain Badiou
Alain Badiou, 2014
A República de Platão - Recontada Por Alain Badiou
Alain Badiou, 2014
What is Philosophy? A Lecture by Alain Badiou 2010
Alain Badiou, 2015
A República de Platão - Recontada Por Alain Badiou
Badiou, Alain, 2014
Badiou : a subject to truth
Badiou, Alain, 2003
Beckett and Badiou : the pathos of intermittency
Badiou, Alain, 2006
Badiou and Plato : an education by truths
Badiou, Alain, 2011
Badiou and politics
Badiou, Alain, 2011
Badiou, Balibar, Ranciere : re-thinking emancipation
Badiou, Alain, 2010
Deleuze beyond Badiou : ontology, multiplicity, and event
Badiou, Alain, 2013
Lacan Deleuze Badiou
Badiou, Alain, 2014
Philosophy, Sophistry, Antiphilosophy: Badiou's Dispute with Lyotard
Badiou, Alain, 2015
Badiou and the Philosophers
Alain Badiou, Giuseppe Bianco, Tzuchien Tho, 2015
Ce gros mot de communisme
Manuel Cervera-Marzal; Alain Badiou, Etienne Balibar, Pierre Dardot, Alain Deneault, Bernard Friot, Christian Laval, Chantal Mouffe, Irène Pereira, Michel Pinçon, Monique Pinçon-Charlot, Michèle Riot-Sarcey, Françoise Vergès, Sophie Wahnich, Slavoj Zizek, 2021
Alain Delon
Delon, Alain; Sojur, Andrzej; Dazat, Olivier; Delon, Alain, 1992
In Motion, At Rest : the Event of the Athletic Body
Badiou, Alain; Cantona, Éric; Deleuze, Gilles; Derrida, Jacques; Farred, Grant; World Peace, Metta; Zidane, Zinédine, 2014
A Hipótese Comunista
Alain Badiou, 2012
A Hipótese Comunista
Alain Badiou, 2012