نتایج جستجو

People and Computers XIX — The Bigger Picture: Proceedings of HCI 2005
Ylva Fernaeus, Jakob Tholander (auth.), Tom McEwan MSc, PgCert, MBCS, CITP, Ceng, ILTM, Jan Gulliksen MSc, PhD, David Benyon BSc, MSc, PhD (eds.), 2006
4th Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop, London, 9–11 April 1997: Connectionist Representations
Mike Page (auth.), John A. Bullinaria BSc, MSc, PhD, David W. Glasspool BSc, Msc, George Houghton BA, MSc, PhD (eds.), 1998
Respiratory Physiotherapy: An On-Call Survival Guide (Physiotherapy Pocketbooks), Second Edition
Beverley Harden MSc BSc(Hons) MCSP, Jane Cross EdD MSc Grad Dip Phys MCSP, Mary Ann Broad MSc(Critical care) BSc(Physiotherapy) MCSP, Matthew Quint MCSP Grad Dip Phys MPhil, Paul Ritson MCSP, Sandy Thomas MEd MCSP, 2008
7th UK Computer and Telecommunications Performance Engineering Workshop: Edinburgh, 22–23 July 1991
Rob Pooley, Jane Hillston (auth.), Jane Elizabeth Hillston BA, MSc, Peter John Beaufoy King BSc, MSc, PhD, C.Eng, MBCS, Robert John Pooley BSc, MSc (eds.), 1992
Artificial Neural Networks in Biomedicine
Paulo J. G. Lisboa BSc, PhD, Emmanuel C. Ifeachor BSc, MSc, PhD (auth.), Paulo J. G. Lisboa BSc, PhD, Emmanuel C. Ifeachor BSc, MSc, PhD, Piotr S. Szczepaniak MSc, PhD, DSc (eds.), 2000
Functional Studies Using NMR
V. Ralph McCready (auth.), V. Ralph McCready MSc, MRCP, FRCR, Martin Leach MSc, PhD, Peter J. Ell MD, MSc, PD, MRCP, FRCR (eds.), 1987
Community Psychiatric Nursing: A research perspective
Edward White (auth.), Charles Brooker BA(Hons), MSc, RMN, DipNEd, RNT, Edward White MSc(SocPol), MSc(SocRes), RMN, DipCPN, PGCEA, RNT (eds.), 1992
Analysis and Optimization of Prismatic and Axisymmetric Shell Structures: Theory, Practice and Software
Ernest Hinton BSc, MSc, PhD, SDc, CEng, MIStructE, MBCS, Johann Sienz BEng, DipI-Ing (FH), MSc, PhD, Dr-Phil (GB), CEng, MIMechE, Cmath, MIMA, Mustafa Özakça BSc, MSc, PhD (auth.), 2003
Enabling Relationships in Health and Social Care. A Guide for Therapists
John Swain, BSC, PGCE, MSC, PhD, Jim Clark, MA, Cert Ed, Ad Dip Drama, Ad Dip Spec Ed, Sally French, BSc, MSc (Psych), MSc (Soc), MSCP Dip TP PhD, Karen Parry, BEd PhD,
Enabling Relationships in Health and Social Care. A Guide for Therapists
John Swain, BSC, PGCE, MSC, PhD, Jim Clark, MA, Cert Ed, Ad Dip Drama, Ad Dip Spec Ed, Sally French, BSc, MSc (Psych), MSc (Soc), MSCP Dip TP PhD, Karen Parry, BEd PhD,, 2004
Automatic speech recognition on mobile devices and over communication networks
Zheng-Hua Tan BSc, MSc, PhD, Børge Lindberg MSc (auth.), 2008
A Practical Approach to Orthopaedic Medicine: Assessment, Diagnosis, Treatment
Elaine Atkins DProf MA MCSP Cert FE, Jill Kerr MSc BSc MCSP, Emily Jane Goodlad MSc MCSP
Clinical Anatomy & Management of Low Back Pain
Lynton Giles MScPhDDC, Kevin Singer PTMScPhD, 1997
Clinical Anatomy and Management of Cervical Spine Pain
Lynton Giles MScPhDDC, Kevin Singer PTMScPhD, 1998
People and Computers XX — Engage: Proceedings of HCI 2006
Patrick Olivier, Han Cao, Stephen W. Gilroy, Daniel G. Jackson (auth.), Nick Bryan-Kinns BSc, MSc, PhD, PGCAP, AKC, Ann Blanford BA, MA, PhD, MBCS, CEng, CITP, Paul Curzon BA, MA, PhD, PGCertHE, Laurence Nigay BSc, MSc, PhD (eds.), 2007
A brief history of computing
Gerard O’Regan Bsc, Msc, PhD (auth.), Gerard O’Regan Bsc, Msc, PhD (eds.), 2008
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST’93): Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands 21–25 June 1993
Maurice Nivat, Charles Rattray BSc, MSc, FIMA, FBCS, C.Eng., C.Math., Teodor Rus PhD (auth.), Maurice Nivat, Charles Rattray BSc, MSc, FIMA, FBCS, C.Eng., C.Math., Teodor Rus PhD, Giuseppe Scollo PhD (eds.), 1994
People and Computers XVIII — Design for Life: Proceedings of HCI 2004
Jennifer G Sheridan, Alan Dix, Simon Lock, Alice Bayliss (auth.), Sally Fincher BA, MA, LHG, FSEDA, Panos Markopoulos MSc, MSc, PhD, David Moore PhD, Roy Ruddle BSc, PhD, CEng, MBCS (eds.), 2005
Control of Complex Systems
K. J. Åström (auth.), Karl Åström MSc, PhD, Pedro Albertos PhD, Mogens Blanke MSc EE, PhD, Alberto Isidori, Walter Schaufelberger Dr.Sc.Techn, Ricardo Sanz PhD (eds.), 2001
Parallel Computing for Real-time Signal Processing and Control
M. O. Tokhi PhD, CEng, M. A. Hossain MSc, PhD, M. H. Shaheed MSc, PhD (auth.), 2003
Active and Real-Time Database Systems (ARTDB-95): Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Active and Real-Time Database Systems, Skövde, Sweden, 9–11 June 1995
Umeshwar Dayal (auth.), Mikael Berndtsson MSc, Jörgen Hansson MSc (eds.), 1996
AISB91: Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, 16–19 April 1991, University of Leeds
Anil S. Chakravarthy (auth.), Luc Steels MSc, PhD, Barbara Smith BSc, MSc, PhD (eds.), 1991
A Brief History of Computing
Gerard O’Regan Bsc, Msc, PhD (auth.), Gerard O’Regan Bsc, Msc, PhD (eds.), 2008