نتایج جستجو

Kinderarmut und Bildung: Armutslagen in Hamburg
Birgit Herz, Ingrid Kurz (auth.), Birgit Herz, Ursel Becher, Ingrid Kurz, Christiane Mettlau, Helga Treeß, Margarethe Werdermann (eds.), 2008
Gesellschaftsspiel Fußball: Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Annäherung
Christian Brandt, Fabian Hertel, Christian Stassek (auth.), Christian Brandt, Fabian Hertel, Christian Stassek (eds.), 2012
Component-Based Software Development for Embedded Systems: An Overview of Current Research Trends
Colin Atkinson, Christian Bunse, Christian Peper, Hans-Gerhard Gross (auth.), Colin Atkinson, Christian Bunse, Hans-Gerhard Gross, Christian Peper (eds.), 2005
Component-Based Software Development for Embedded Systems: An Overview of Current Research Trends
Colin Atkinson, Christian Bunse, Christian Peper, Hans-Gerhard Gross (auth.), Colin Atkinson, Christian Bunse, Hans-Gerhard Gross, Christian Peper (eds.), 2005
Component-Based Software Development for Embedded Systems: An Overview of Current Research Trends
Colin Atkinson, Christian Bunse, Christian Peper, Hans-Gerhard Gross (auth.), Colin Atkinson, Christian Bunse, Hans-Gerhard Gross, Christian Peper (eds.), 2005
A Hand List of Illuminated Oriental Christian Manuscripts
Hugo Buchthal - Otto Kurz, 1942
Imagine Homeopathy: A Book of Experiments, Images, and Metaphors
Christian Kurz, 2005
Imagine Homeopathy: A Book of Experiments, Images, and Metaphors
Christian Kurz, 2005
Angewandter Festigkeitsnachweis nach FKM-Richtlinie : Kurz und bündig
Michael Wächter, Christian Müller, Alfons Esderts, 2017
Немецкая грамматика - кратко и просто / Deutsche Grammatik - kurz und schmerzlos
Christine Stief, Christian Stang, 2002
Немецкая грамматика - кратко и просто / Deutsche Grammatik - kurz und schmerzlos
Christine Stief, Christian Stang, 2002
Python One-Liners: Profi-Programmierung durch kurz gefasstes Python
Christian Mayer, 2021
Computational Intelligence: Eine methodische Einführung in Künstliche Neuronale Netze, Evolutionäre Algorithmen, Fuzzy-Systeme und Bayes-Netze
Rudolf Kruse, Christian Borgelt, Christian Braune, Frank Klawonn, Christian Moewes, Matthias Steinbrecher (auth.), 2015
Computational Intelligence: A Methodological Introduction
Rudolf Kruse, Christian Borgelt, Christian Braune, Sanaz Mostaghim, Matthias Steinbrecher, Frank Klawonn, Christian Moewes, 2016
Christian Body, Christian Self: Concepts of Early Christian Personhood
Robert S Kinney(Author), Clare K Rothschild (Editor), Trevor W Thompson (Editor), 2011
Christian Gnosis: Christian Religious Philosophy in Its Historical Development
Ferdinand Christian Baur, 2020
Analysis of Variance in Statistical Image Processing
Ludwik Kurz, M. Hafed Benteftifa, 2006
Analysis of variance in statistical image processing
Ludwik Kurz, M. Hafed Benteftifa, 2006
Analysis of Variance in Statistical Image Processing
Ludwik Kurz, M. Hafed Benteftifa, 2006
Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science: Third International Conference, CALCO 2009, Udine, Italy, September 7-10, 2009, Proceedings
Alexander Kurz, Marina Lenisa, Andrzej Tarlecki, 2009