نتایج جستجو

Questioning Minds: The Letters of Guy Davenport and Hugh Kenner
Guy Davenport, Hugh Kenner, Edward M. Burns (editor), 2018
Questioning Minds: The Letters of Guy Davenport and Hugh Kenner
Guy Davenport, Hugh Kenner, Edward M. Burns (editor), 2018
Exploration of Space, Technology, and Spatiality: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Phil Turner, Susan Turner, Elisabeth Davenport, Phil Turner, Susan Turner, Elisabeth Davenport, 2008
Ordinary Wisdom - Sakya Pandita's Treasury of Good Advice
Sakya Pandita, Sakya Khenpo Sangyay Tenzin, John T. Davenport, Sallie D. Davenport,, 2000
7 Greeks
Anacreon, Anacreon.; Archilochus, Archilochus.; of Ephesus Heraclitus, of Ephesus. Heraclitus; Diogenes; Alcman, Alcman.; Herodas, Herodas.; Davenport, Guy; Sappho, Sappho, 1995
A Balthus Notebook
Guy Davenport, 1989
Every Force Evolves a Form
Guy Davenport, 1987
The Drummer of the Eleventh North Devonshire Fusiliers
Guy Davenport, 1990
The Geography of the Imagination: Forty Essays (Nonpareil Book, 78)
Guy Davenport, 1997
The Geography of the Imagination: Forty Essays (Nonpareil Book, 78)
Guy Davenport, 1997
The Cardiff Team: Ten Stories
Guy Davenport, 1996
The Jules Verne Steam Balloon
Guy Davenport, 1993
The Geography of the Imagination
Guy Davenport, 1981
Guy Davenport: Postmodernism and After (Avant-Garde & Modernism Studies)
Andre Furlani, 2007
Advances in Hydroinformatics: SIMHYDRO 2012 – New Frontiers of Simulation
Philippe Gourbesville, Jean Cunge, Guy Caignaert (auth.), Philippe Gourbesville, Jean Cunge, Guy Caignaert (eds.), 2014
From the Eye of the Storm: Higher Education’s Changing Institution
Peter Maassen, Guy Neave, Ben Jongbloed (auth.), Ben Jongbloed, Peter Maassen, Guy Neave (eds.), 1999
Autonomic Networking: First International IFIP TC6 Conference, AN 2006, Paris, France, September 27-29, 2006. Proceedings
S. Schmid, M. Sifalakis, D. Hutchison (auth.), Dominique Gaïti, Guy Pujolle, Ehab Al-Shaer, Ken Calvert, Simon Dobson, Guy Leduc, Olli Martikainen (eds.), 2006
Autonomic Networking: First International IFIP TC6 Conference, AN 2006, Paris, France, September 27-29, 2006. Proceedings
S. Schmid, M. Sifalakis, D. Hutchison (auth.), Dominique Gaïti, Guy Pujolle, Ehab Al-Shaer, Ken Calvert, Simon Dobson, Guy Leduc, Olli Martikainen (eds.), 2006
Networking 2000 Broadband Communications, High Performance Networking, and Performance of Communication Networks: IFIP-TC6/European Commission International Conference Paris, France, May 14–19, 2000 Proceedings
Marcelo Dias de Amorim, Otto Carlos M. B. Duarte, Guy Pujolle (auth.), Guy Pujolle, Harry Perros, Serge Fdida, Ulf Körner, Ioannis Stavrakakis (eds.), 2000
1543 and All That: Image and Word, Change and Continuity in the Proto-Scientific Revolution
Guy Freeland (auth.), Guy Freeland, Anthony Corones (eds.), 2000
USA Soccer Guy's 50 Insane Soccer Moments
USA Soccer Guy, 2014
Spatio-Temporal Databases: Flexible Querying and Reasoning
Rita de Caluwe, Guy de Tré, Gloria Bordogna (auth.), Professor Dr. Rita de Caluwe, Dr. Guy de Tré, Dr. Gloria Bordogna (eds.), 2004
Scientific Drivers for ESO Future VLT/VLTI Instrumentation: Proceedings of the ESO Workshop Held in Garching, Germany, 11–15 June 2001
Guy Monnet (auth.), Jacqueline Bergeron, Guy Monnet (eds.), 2002
Just Enough Web Programming with XHTML, PHP, and MySQL
Guy W.(Guy W. Lecky-Thompson) Lecky-Thompson, 2008