نتایج جستجو

Stanislas Dehaene - How To Learn
Stanislas Dehaene, 2020
Energy Scalable Radio Design: for Pulsed UWB Communication and Ranging
Dr. Marian Verhelst, Prof. Wim Dehaene (auth.), 2009
Energy Scalable Radio Design: for Pulsed UWB Communication and Ranging
Dr. Marian Verhelst, Prof. Wim Dehaene (auth.), 2009
Heterotopia and the City: Public Space in a Postcivil Society
Michiel Dehaene, Lieven De Cauter, 2008
Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts
Stanislas Dehaene, 2014
Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts
Stanislas Dehaene, 2014
Reading in the Brain: The Science and Evolution of a Human Invention
Stanislas Dehaene, 2009
Reading in the Brain: The Science and Evolution of a Human Invention
Stanislas Dehaene, 2009
Il pallino della matematica. Scoprire il genio dei numeri che è in noi
Stanislas Dehaene, 2000
Coscienza e cervello. Come i neuroni codificano il pensiero
Stanislas Dehaene, 2014
The number sense: How the mind creates mathematics
Dehaene S., 1999
From Monkey Brain to Human Brain: A Fyssen Foundation Symposium (Bradford Books)
Stanislas Dehaene, Jean-René Duhamel, Marc D. Hauser,, 2005
Space, Time and Number in the Brain: Searching for the Foundations of Mathematical Thought
Stanislas Dehaene, 2011
Space, time and number in the brain: Searching for the foundations of mathematical thought
Stanislas Dehaene, 2011
Stanislas Dehaene, 2018
El cerebro lector
Stanislas Dehaene, 2014
El cerebro matemático
Stanislas Dehaene, 2016
La conciencia en el cerebro
Stanislas Dehaene, 2015
How We Learn: Why Brains Learn Better Than Any Machine ... for Now
Dehaene, S., 2020
How We Learn
Stanislas Dehaene, 2020
Aprender a leer
Stanislas Dehaene & Édouard Gentaz & Caroline Huron & Liliane Sprenger-Charolles, 2011
La conciencia en el cerebro
Stanislas Dehaene, 2014
Apprendre ! Les talents du cerveau, le défi des machines
Stanislas Dehaene, 2018
Imparare. Il talento del cervello, la sfida delle macchine
Stanislas Dehaene, 2019