نتایج جستجو

Coronary Circulation and Myocardial Ischemia
F. S. Villanueva (auth.), Michael R. Pinsky MD, CM, FCCP, FCCM, Antonio Artigas MD, PhD, Jean-Francois Dhainaut MD, PhD (eds.), 2000
A Transnational History of the Australian Animal Movement, 1970-2015
Gonzalo Villanueva (auth.), 2018
Customer Equity: Measurement, Management and Research Opportunities (Foundations and Trends in Marketing)
Julian Villanueva, Dominique, M. Hanssens, 2007
Distributed User Interfaces: Usability and Collaboration
Pedro G. Villanueva, 2013
Personality traits : classifications, effects and changes
Villanueva, 2010
The A to Z of Feminist Philosophy
Catherine Villanueva Gardner, 2006
Law: Metaphysics, Meaning, and Objectivity
Enrique Villanueva, 2008
Law: Metaphysics, Meaning, and Objectivity
Enrique Villanueva, 2007
Ambient Intelligence
Félix Jesús Villanueva Molina, 2010
Consciousness (Philosophical Issues Series No 1)
Enrique Villanueva, 1991
Enrique Villanueva, 1996
Actos de habla: Ensayo de Filosofía del Lenguaje
John Searle (Traducción de Luis M. Valdés Villanueva), 1994
The ‘Uncertainty of a Hearing’: A Study of the Sudden Change of Mood in the Psalms of Lament
Federico G. Villanueva, 2008
Historical Dictionary of Feminist Philosophy
Catherine Villanueva Gardner, 2006
Historical Dictionary of Feminist Philosophy (Historical Dictionaries of Religions, Philosophies and Movements)
Catherine Villanueva Gardner, 2006
Atlas de Patología General- Curso de Anatomía Patológica Fac Med Universidad de Chile
Dra. Leonor Moyano• Dra. Laura Carreño• Dra. Claudia Morales• Dra. Gladys Smok• Dra. María Elena Villanueva• Dra. Cristina Fernández• Dr. Iván Gallegos• Dra. Lia Sáez• Dra.Paula Segura, 2010
Indoeuropiečių kalbotyros pagrindai: mokymo priemonė
Miguel Villanueva Svensson, 2012
El Estudio de las políticas públicas
Luis F. Aguilar Villanueva, 2013
Educating for the 21st Century: Perspectives, Policies and Practices from Around the World
Suzanne Choo, Deb Sawch, Alison Villanueva, Ruth Vinz (eds.), 2017
Mexico and the Post-2015 Development Agenda: Contributions and Challenges
Rebecka Villanueva Ulfgard (eds.), 2017
Voice and Discourse in the Irish Context
Diana Villanueva Romero, Carolina P. Amador-Moreno, Manuel Sánchez García, (eds.), 2018
Gobernanza y gestion publica
Luis F. Aguilar Villanueva, 2015
Guadalupe Salcedo y la insurrecciónllanera, 1947-1957. Colombia