نتایج جستجو

Entropy, Search, Complexity
Martin Aigner (auth.), Imre Csiszár, Gyula O. H. Katona, Gábor Tardos, Gábor Wiener (eds.), 2007
Turista tereptan
Gábor Imre
Advances in Information Systems Development
Gabor Knapp, Gabor Knapp, Gregory Wojtkowski, Joze Zupancic, Stanislaw Wrycza, 2007
Advances in Information Systems Development: New Methods and Practice for the Networked Society
J. Coady, R. Pooley (auth.), Gabor Magyar, Gabor Knapp, Wita Wojtkowski, W. Gregory Wojtkowski, Jože Zupančič (eds.), 2007
Advances in Information Systems Development: New Methods and Practice for the Networked Society
Erki Eessaar (auth.), Wita Wojtkowski, W. Gregory Wojtkowski, Jože Zupancic, Gabor Magyar, Gabor Knapp (eds.), 2007
Lincoln's Generals (Gettysburg Civil War Institute Books)
Stephen W. Sears, Mark E. Neely, Gabor S. Boritt, Gabor S. Boritt, Michael Fellman, John Y. Simon, 1995
Lua Quick Start Guide: The easiest way to learn Lua programming
Gabor Szauer [Szauer, Gabor], 2018
Neurális hálózatok
Altrichter Márta, Horváth Gábor, Pataki Béla, Strausz György, Takács Gábor, Valyon József, 2006
Kommentár a közalkalmazottak jogállásáról szóló 1992. évi XXXIII. törvényhez
Bérces Kamilla, Kártyás Gábor, Kovács Szabolcs, Takács Gábor
Data Analysis for Business, Economics, and Policy
Gábor Békés, Gábor Kézdi, 2021
Combinatorial number theory and additive group theory
Alfred Geroldinger, Imre Z. Ruzsa, 2009
Combinatorial number theory and additive group theory
Alfred Geroldinger, Imre Z. Ruzsa, 2009
Combinatorial Number Theory and Additive Group Theory
Alfred Geroldinger, Imre Z. Ruzsa, 2009
Advances in Computer Simulation: Lectures Held at the Eötvös Summer School in Budapest, Hungary, 16–20 July 1996
Werner Krauth (auth.), János Kertész, Imre Kondor (eds.), 1998
Computational Intelligence in Engineering
Benedek Nagy (auth.), Imre J. Rudas, János Fodor, Janusz Kacprzyk (eds.), 2010
Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge
Imre Lakatos (ed.), Alan Musgrave (ed.), 1970
Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge: Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London, 1965
Imre Lakatos, Alan Musgrave, 1970
Kritik und Erkenntnisfortschritt: Abhandlungen des Internationalen Kolloquiums über die Philosophie der Wissenschaft, London 1965, Band 4
Thomas S. Kuhn (auth.), Imre Lakatos, Alan Musgrave (eds.), 1974
Problems in the philosophy of mathematics: Proceedings of International Colloquium in Philosophy of Science London 1965 Vol 3
imre& Musgrave, Alan ed lakatos, 1967
Problems in the Philosophy of Science
Imre Lakatos and Alan Musgrave (Eds.), 1968
Problems in the Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the International Colloquium in the Philosophy of Science, London, 1965, Volume 3
Imre Lakatos, Alan Musgrave (Editors), 1968
Access Networks: 5th International ICST Conference on Access Networks, AccessNets 2010 and First ICST International Workshop on Autonomic Networking and Self-Management in Access Networks, SELFMAGICNETS 2010, Budapest, Hungary, November 3-5, 2010, Revised Selected Papers
Tatiana Polishchuk, Andrei Gurtov (auth.), Róbert Szabó, Hua Zhu, Sándor Imre, Ranganai Chaparadza (eds.), 2011