نتایج جستجو

Computational information retrieval
N. C.) Computational Information Retrieval Conference (2000 Raleigh, Michael W. Berry, Michael W. Berry, Society for Industrial, 2001
Computational information retrieval
N. C.) Computational Information Retrieval Conference (2000 Raleigh, Michael W. Berry, Michael W. Berry, Society for Industrial, 2001
Computational Information Retrieval
N. C.) Computational Information Retrieval Conference (2000 Raleigh, Michael W. Berry, Michael W. Berry, Society for Industrial, 2001
The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays of Wendell Berry
Wendell Berry, 2003
Mary Berry's Baking Bible: Over 250 Classic Recipes
Mary Berry, 2010
Statistics: A Bayesian Perspective
Donald A.(Donald A. Berry) Berry, 1995
The Selected Poems of Wendell Berry
Wendell Berry, 1999
Chocolate Cakes: The 20 Best Recipes Ever! Kindle Edition
Berry, Inez Lott; Berry, Margaret; Kramer, Marjorie, 2014
Beach Bum Berry Remixed
Jeff Berry
Big Things Have Small Beginnings
Wes Berry [Berry, Wes], 2018
Wendell Berry: Essays, 1993–2017
Wendell Berry; Jack Shoemaker, 21 May 2019
Baking with Mary Berry
Mary Berry, 2015
The World-Ending Fire: The Essential Wendell Berry
Wendell Berry, Paul Kingsnorth, 2018
The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays of Wendell Berry
Berry, Wendell, 2003
Entertaining with Mary Berry
Mary Berry; Lucy Young, 2020
Mary Berry's Family Sunday Lunches
Mary Berry, 2016
Letters to a Young Farmer: On Food, Farming, and Our Future
Martha Hodgkins; Jill Isenbarger; Barbara Kingsolver; Amigo Bob Cantisano; Wes Jackson; Chellie Pingree; Verlyn Klinkenborg; Karen Washington; Joan Dye Gussow; Raj Patel; Barbara Damrosch; Gary Paul Nabhan; Mary Berry; Dan Barber; Will Harris; Anna Lappé; Joel Salatin; Bill McKibben; Ben Burkett; Amy Halloran; Nephi Craig; Wendell Berry; Alice Waters; Eliot Coleman; Brian Richter; Michael Pollan; Fred Kirschenmann; Nancy Vail; Jered Lawson; Temple Grandin; Wendy Millet; Mary-Howell Martens; Rick, 2017
Hope :A Memoir of Survival in Cleveland by: Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, Mary Jordan, Kevin Sullivan
Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, Mary Jordan, Kevin Sullivan, 2015
Mary Berry Cooks to Perfection
Mary Berry, 2021