نتایج جستجو

As Long As Space Endures: Essays on the Kalacakra Tantra in Honor of the Dalai Lama
Edward A. Arnold, Robert A.F. Thurman, Namgyal Monastery Ithaca, Thupten Jinpa, Vesna Wallace, Miranda Shaw, Giacomella Orofino, Joseph Loizzo, 2009
A Lamp to Illuminate the Five Stages: Teachings on Guhyasamaja Tantra
Je Tsongkhapa, Thupten Jinpa Ph.D., Kilty Galvin, 2013
Il libro tibetano dei morti. Con il commento del Dalai Lama
A cura di Graham Coleman e Thupten Jinpa, 2011
Mind Training: The Great Collection
Thupten Jinpa Ph.D., 2005
The Book of Kadam: The Core Texts
Thupten Jinpa Ph.D., 2008
The Book of Kadam: The Core Texts
Thupten Jinpa (Translator), 2008
El mundo del budismo tibetano : visión general de su filosofía y su práctica
Gere, Richard; Gyatso, Tenzin; Serra, Esteve; Thupten Jinpa, Geshe, 2003
Ornament of Precious Liberation
Gampopa; Thupten Jinpa (ed.), 2017
Wisdom of the Kadam Masters (Tibetan Classics)
Thupten Jinpa (Translator), 2013
The Tibetan Book of Everyday Wisdom (Library of Tibetan Classics 1)
Jinpa Thupten (Editor), Beth Newman (Translator), 2018
Perfecting Patience: Buddhist Techniques to Overcome Anger (Core Teachings of Dalai Lama Book 1)
Dalai Lama(Author), Thupten Jinpa (Translator), 2018
The Life of My Teacher: A Biography of Kyabjé Ling Rinpoché
Dalai Lama, Jinpa Thupten, Gavin Kilty, 2017
Dispelling the Darkness: A Jesuit’s Quest for the Soul of Tibet
Donald S. Lopez Jr., Thupten Jinpa, 2017
Our Human Potential: The Unassailable Path of Love, Compassion, and Meditation (Core Teachings of Dalai Lama Book 6)
Dalai Lama, Thupten Jinpa, 2019
Grains of Gold: Tales of a Cosmopolitan Traveler
Gendün Chöphel; Thupten Jinpa; Donald S. Lopez Jr, 2014
The Book of Kadam: The Core Texts (Library of Tibetan Classics 2)
Thupten Jinpa, 2014
As Long as Space Endures: Essays on the Kalacakra Tantra in Honor of H.H. the Dalai Lama
Edward A. Arnold, Robert A.F. Thurman, Namgyal Monastery Ithaca, Thupten Jinpa, Vesna Wallace, Miranda Shaw, Giacomella Orofino, Joseph Loizzo, 2009
Tsongkhapa: A Buddha in the Land of Snows (Lives of the Masters)
Thupten Jinpa, 2019
The Tibetan Book of the Dead: First Complete Translation
Graham Coleman; Thupten Jinpa, 2008
Ornament of Stainless Light: An Exposition of the Kalachakra Tantra
Khedrup Norsang Gyatso, Thupten Jinpa, Gavin Kilty, 2016
Essential Mind Training (Tibetan Classics)
Thupten Jinpa, 2011
The Tibetan Book of the Dead: First Complete Translation: The Great Liberation by Hearing in the Intermediate States
Padmasambhava, Terton Karma Lingpa, Gyurme Dorje, Thupten Jinpa, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Graham Coleman, 2008
Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, Volume 2: The Mind
Thupten Jinpa, Dalai Lama, Dechen Rochard, 2020