نتایج جستجو

Discrimination Through Language in Africa?: Perspectives on the Namibian Experience
Martin Putz, Martin Putz, 1995
Applications of Density Functional Theory to Chemical Reactivity
Mihai V. Putz (auth.), Mihai V. Putz, D. Michael P. Mingos (eds.), 2012
Carbon Bonding and Structures: Advances in Physics and Chemistry
Mihai V. Putz (auth.), Mihai V. Putz (eds.), 2011
Carbon Bonding and Structures: Advances in Physics and Chemistry
Mihai V. Putz (auth.), Mihai V. Putz (eds.), 2011
Cognitive Sociolinguistics: Social and cultural variation in cognition and language use
Martin Pütz, Justyna A. Robinson, Monika Reif, 2014
Explorations in Linguistic Relativity
Martin Pütz (Ed.), Marjolijn Verspoor (Ed.), 2000
Cognitive Models in Language and Thought: Ideology, metaphors and meanings
Rene Dirven, Roslyn Frank, Martin Putz (eds.), 2003,2012
Applied Cognitive Linguistics: Language Padagogy
Martin Pütz, 2001
Theory and Language Acquisition
Susanne Niemeier, Martin Pütz, 2001
The Construal of Space in Language and Thought
Martin Pütz, René Dirven, 1996
'Along the Routes to Power' Explorations of Empowerment through Language
Martin Pütz, Joshua A. Fishman and JoAnne Neff-van Aertselaer
Language Contact and Language Conflict
Martin Pütz
Regulation of Sertoli Cell and Germ Cell Differentation
Dr. Ralph Brehm, PD Dr. Klaus Steger (auth.), F. F. Beck, B. Christ, F. Clascá, D. E. Haines, H.-W. Korf, W. Kummer, E. Marani, R. Putz, Y. Sano, T.H. Schiebler, K. Zilles (eds.), 2005
Absolute and Chemical Electronegativity and Hardness
Mihai V. Putz, 2008
AlternC comme si vous y étiez
Chantal Bernard-Putz, Benjamin Sonntag, 2011
Applications of Density Functional Theory to Biological and Bioinorganic Chemistry
Dennis R. Salahub, Aurélien de la Lande (auth.), Mihai V. Putz, D. Michael P. Mingos (eds.), 2013
Brain-Computer Interface Research: A State-of-the-Art Summary 4
Christoph Guger, Gernot Müller-Putz, Brendan Allison (eds.), 2015
Corporate Audiobooks: Hörspiele, Features & Co. in der Unternehmenskommunikation
Dietmar Pokoyski, Stefanie Pütz (eds.), 2014
Das Spülversatzverfahren
Otto Pütz (auth.), 1907
Der enge Spinalkanal
R. Putz (auth.), Prof. Dr. med. Joachim Pfeil, Prof. Dr. med. Jan-Dirk Rompe (eds.), 2004
Doppelgänger seiner selbst: Der Erzähler Albert Vigoleis Thelen
Jürgen Pütz (auth.), 1990
European Nutrition and Health Report 2009 (Forum of Nutrition, Vol. 62)
I. Elmadfa, A. Meyer, V. Nowak, P. Putz, 2009