نتایج جستجو

The De Soto Chronicles: The Expedition of Hernando de Soto to North America in 1539-1543
Lawrence A. Clayton, 1995
Testing Java Microservices: Using Arquillian, Hoverfly, AssertJ, JUnit, Selenium, and Mockito
Andy Gumbrecht Alex Soto Bueno & Jason Porter [Andy Gumbrecht Alex Soto Bueno and Jason Porter], 2018
Diccionario ilustrado de conceptos matemáticos - Efraín Soto Apolinar
Efraín Soto Apolinar, 2015
"Proposiciones en torno a la Historia de la Danza" de Carlos Pérez Soto
Carlos Pérez Soto, 2009
Miguel Delibes الهرطوقي
Miguel Delibes [Delibes, Miguel], 2015
'A Message, syntactic structures': layer_TEXT 10.3 exhibition.
Carlos Miguel Fernández Soto "nonu iazabo", 2012
Contested Empire: Rethinking the Texas Revolution
Sam W. Haynes; Gerald D. Saxon; Gregg Cantrell; Eric Schlereth; Miguel Soto; Will Fowler; Amy S. Greenberg, 2015
Right-Wing Spain in the Civil War Era: Soldiers of God and Apostles of the Fatherland, 1914-45
Alejandro Quiroga Fernández de Soto; Miguel del Arco, 2012
Abya Yala: Una visión indígena
María Julia Mayoral, Liomán Lima, Fausto Triana, Víctor M. Carriba, Moisés Pérez Mok, Mario Hubert Garrido, Masiel Fernández Bolaños, Sinay Céspedes Moreno, Tania Peña, Alberto Corona, Marta Denis Valle, Miguel Lozano, Pedro Rioseco, Julio Fumero, Juan Carlos Díaz Guerrero, Wilfredo Alayón, Doris Calderón, Isabel Soto Mayedo, Alejandro Gómez, Félix Albisu, Nubia Piqueras Grosso, Luis Manuel Arce, Yeanny González Peña, Raimundo López, Manuel Robles Sosa, 2012
Restoring Growth in Puerto Rico : Overview and Policy Options
Susan M. Collins; Barry P. Bosworth; Miguel A. Soto-Class, 2006
Catolicismo, cambio social y búsqueda de paz en Colombia. Historia y Memoria
Ana María Bidegain Greising, Angélica Villamizar Beltrán, Antonio José Echeverry Pérez, Eduardo Díaz Ardila, Eliécer Soto Ardila, Hector Alfonso Torres Rojas, Hernando Pinilla Rey, Isabel Corpas De Posada, Javier Alejandro Acevedo Guerrero, Joselín Aranda Cano, Lizeth Torres Rodríguez, Miguel Arturo Fajardo Rojas, Natalia Alejandra Mora Navarro, Osmir Ramírez Trillos, Sofía Brizuela Molina Sor Maria Sampayo Flórez, William Elvis Plata Quezada, 2022
Handbook of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies
Miguel-Angel Sicilia, Miguel-Angel Sicilia, 2014
Emerging Management Mechanisms for the Future Internet: 7th IFIP WG 6.6 International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management, and Security, AIMS 2013, Barcelona, Spain, June 25-28, 2013. Proceedings
Vitor Pereira, Miguel Rocha, Paulo Cortez, Miguel Rio, Pedro Sousa (auth.), Guillaume Doyen, Martin Waldburger, Pavel Čeleda, Anna Sperotto, Burkhard Stiller (eds.), 2013
Art and Visibility in Migratory Culture: Conflict, Resistance, and Agency
Mieke Bal, Miguel Hern Ndez-Navarro, Miguel A. Hernandez-Navarro, 2012
Miguel Barclay’s FAST & FRESH One Pound Meals
Miguel Barclay, 2017
Conservation, tourism, and identity of contemporary community art : a case study of Felipe Seade's mural "Allegory to work"
Angeles Carabal-Montagud, Maria; Miguel-Molina, Blanca De; Miguel Molina, María del Rosario de; Santamarina Campos, Virginia, 2018
Complete Works of Miguel de Cervantes
Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, 2013
Miguel Barclay’s Super Easy One Pound Meals
Miguel Barclay, 2018
Miguel Serrano
Louis Kahn : arquetipos y modernidad.
Miguel Ángel Roca; Miguel âAngel Roca; Louis I. Kahn, 2010
Louis Kahn : arquetipos y modernidad.
Miguel Ángel Roca; Miguel âAngel Roca; Louis I. Kahn, 2010
Toledo y Bizancio coordinador, Miguel Cortés Arrese.
Miguel Cortés Arrese (editor), 2002
Bernardino de Sahagun: First Anthropologist
Miguel León-Portilla; Miguel León-Portilla; Mauricio J. Mixco, 2002