نتایج جستجو

Blockchain Technology: Applications and Challenges
Sandeep Kumar Panda, Ajay Kumar Jena, Santosh Kumar Swain, Suresh Chandra Satapathy, 2021
Eleven Commandments of Life Maximization
Santosh Nair [Nair, Santosh], 2014
Component-Based Software Engineering: Methods and Metrics
Umesh Kumar Tiwari, Santosh Kumar, 2020
Artificial Intelligence and Natural Algorithms
Rijwan Khan, Pawan Kumar Sharma, Sugam Sharma, Santosh Kumar, 2022
Defect Engineering of Carbon Nanostructures (Advances in Material Research and Technology)
Sumanta Sahoo (editor), Santosh Kumar Tiwari (editor), Ashok Kumar Das (editor), 2022
Chemistry MCQ for IIT JEE NEET Engineering Entrance Exams CBSE ISc PU Board Exams Vinod Kumar Ahluwalia Ashis Kumar Ghosh Bharati Bhawan
Vinod Kumar Ahluwalia Ashis Kumar Ghosh, 2019
Advances in Cyanobacterial Biology
Prashant Kumar Singh (editor), Ajay Kumar (editor), Vipin Kumar Singh (editor), Alok Kumar Shrivistava (editor), 2020
Smart Antennas: Recent Trends in Design and Applications (Advances in Computing Communications and Informatics)
PraveenKumar Malik, Pradeep Kumar (editor), Sachin Kumar (editor), Dushyant Kumar Singh (editor), 2021
Green Computing and Its Applications
Sanjay Kumar, Rohit Raja, Alok Kumar Singh Kushwaha, Saurabh Kumar, Raj Kumar Patra, 2021
An Introduction to Surface Alloying of Metals
Santosh S. Hosmani, P. Kuppusami, Rajendra Kumar Goyal (auth.), 2014
The Role of Bioinformatics in Agriculture
Santosh Kumar, 2014
Environmental Management
Santosh Kumar Sarkar, 2010
Modelling of Magmatic and Allied Processes
Santosh Kumar, 2014
Loricate Ciliate Tintinnids in a Tropical Mangrove Wetland: Diversity, Distribution and Impact of Climate Change
Santosh Kumar Sarkar (auth.), 2015
Marine Organic Micropollutants: A Case Study of the Sundarban Mangrove Wetland
Santosh Kumar Sarkar (auth.), 2016
Crop diseases and their management: integrated approaches
Chand, Gireesh; Kumar, Santosh, 2016
Trace Metals in a Tropical Mangrove Wetland : Chemical Speciation, Ecotoxicological Relevance and Remedial Measures
Santosh Kumar Sarkar (auth.), 2018
Software Fault Prediction A Road Map
Sandeep Kumar, Santosh Singh Rathore, 2018
Learning Docker Networking
Rajdeep Dua, Santosh Kumar Konduri, Vaibhav Kohli, 2016
Sri Veerabrahmendra: The Precursor of Kalki
A Santosh Kumar, Nov 2011
Handbook of Research on Social and Cultural Dynamics in Indian Cinema
Santosh Kumar Biswal, Krishna Sankar Kusuma, Sulagna Mohanty, 2020
Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Security and Social Implications (Services and Business Process Reengineering)
Santosh Kumar Pani (editor), Manjusha Pandey (editor), 2021
Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Security and Social Implications (Services and Business Process Reengineering)
Santosh Kumar Pani (editor), Manjusha Pandey (editor), 2021
Architectural Wireless Networks Solutions and Security Issues (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 196)
Santosh Kumar Das (editor), Sourav Samanta (editor), Nilanjan Dey (editor), Bharat S. Patel (editor), Aboul Ella Hassanien (editor), 2021