نتایج جستجو

The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Comparative Theology: A Festschrift in Honor of Francis X. Clooney, SJ (Wiley Blackwell Companions to Religion)
Axel M. Oaks Takacs (editor), Joseph L. Kimmel (editor), 2023
50 Great Myths of Popular Psychology. Shattering Widespread Misconceptions about Human Behavior
Scott O. Lilienfeld,Steven Jay Lynn,John Ruscio, et al.John Wiley & Sons, Inc.|Wiley||Wiley-BlackwellAdult NonfictionPsychologyLanguage(s): EnglishOn sale date: 21.01.2010Street date: 15.09.2011, 2010
4G Wireless Video Communications
Haohong Wang,Lisimachos Kondi,Ajay Luthra, et al.John Wiley & Sons, Inc.|Wiley||John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Adult NonfictionTechnologyLanguage(s): EnglishOn sale date: 30.06.2009Street date: 15.06.2009Preview, 2009
97 Tips for Canadian Real Estate Investors 2.0
Don R. Campbell,Peter Kinch,Barry McGuire, et al.John Wiley & Sons, Inc.|Wiley||John Wiley & Sons, Inc.Adult NonfictionBusinessLanguage(s): EnglishOn sale date: 25.10.2011Street date: 06.04.2011, 2011
3rd International Symposium on High Temperature Metallurgical Processing
Tao Jiang,Jiann-Yang Hwang,Patrick Masset, et al.John Wiley & Sons, Inc.|Wiley||Wiley-TMSAdult NonfictionTechnologyLanguage(s): EnglishOn sale date: 02.08.2012Street date: 09.05.2012Preview, 2012
4th International Symposium on High Temperature Metallurgical Processing
Tao Jiang,Jiann-Yang Hwang,Phillip J. Mackey, et al.John Wiley & Sons, Inc.|Wiley||Wiley-TMSAdult NonfictionTechnologyLanguage(s): EnglishOn sale date: 01.03.2013Street date: 21.02.2013Preview, 2013
5th International Symposium on High Temperature Metallurgical Processing
Tao Jiang,Jiann-Yang Hwang,Mark E. Schlesinger, et al.John Wiley & Sons, Inc.|Wiley||Wiley-TMSAdult NonfictionScience, TechnologyLanguage(s): EnglishOn sale date: 07.02.2014Street date: 10.01.2014Preview, 2013
Accelerating New Food Product Design and Development
Jacqueline H. Beckley,M. Michele Foley,Elizabeth J. Topp, et al.John Wiley & Sons, Inc.|Wiley||Wiley-BlackwellAdult NonfictionTechnologyLanguage(s): EnglishOn sale date: 30.11.2009Street date: 28.02.2008Preview, 2007
AAEVT's Equine Manual for Veterinary Technicians
Deborah Reeder,Sheri Miller,DeeAnn Wilfong, et al.John Wiley & Sons, Inc.|Wiley||Wiley-BlackwellAdult NonfictionMedicalLanguage(s): EnglishOn sale date: 14.08.2012Street date: 30.07.2012, 2012
An Architecture of the Ozarks: The Works of Marlon Blackwell
Marlon Blackwell, 2005
An Architecture of the Ozarks: The Works of Marlon Blackwell
Marlon Blackwell, 2005
The Blackwell Guide to Medical Ethics (Blackwell Philosophy Guides)
Leslie P. Francis, Anita Silvers, Rosamond Rhodes, Frances M. Kamm, Kenneth Kipnis, Robert T. Pennock, Julian Savulescu, 2007
The Blackwell Guide to Kant's Ethics (Blackwell Guides to Great Works)
Thomas Hill Jr., 2009
The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Accounting (Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management)
A. Rashad Abdel-Khalik, 1999
Blackwell Handbook of Infant Development (Blackwell Handbooks of Developmental Psychology)
Gavin Bremner, Alan Fogel, 2002
Atlas of Color-Coded Doppler Sonography: Vascular and Soft Tissue Structures of the Upper Extremity, Thoracic Outlet and Neck
F. Frühwald, D. E. Blackwell (auth.), Dr. Franz X. J. Frühwald M.D., Dr. D. Eric Blackwell M.D. (eds.), 1992
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management, Operations Management (Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Management) (Volume 10)
Nigel Slack, Michael Lewis, 2006
The Blackwell Guide to Plato's Republic (Blackwell Guides to Great Works)
Gerasimos Santas, 2006