نتایج جستجو

Anatomy Drawing School
Gyorgy Feher, Andras Szunyoghy, 1996
The Power of the Image: Emotion, Expression, Explanation (Visual Learning)
András Benedek (editor), Kristof Nyiri (editor), 2014
PLC programozás II. kezdőknek : feladatmegoldások GRAFCET-en innen és túl...
Bablena András, 2013
Induced Pluripotent Stem (iPS) Cells: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, 2454)
Andras Nagy (editor), Kursad Turksen (editor), 2022
El MIR histórico: Luis de la Puente y Guillermo Lobatón (Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria - Perú)
Ricardo Gadea, (ed.); Ricardo Gadea, Guillermo Lobatón, Luis de la Puente, Eduardo Fernández, Michael Brown, Gustavo Valcárcel, András Simor, Juan Cristóbal, Jorge Bacacorzo, Leoncio Bueno, Alfredo Pita, Aníbal Meza, Arturo Valdez, Juan Velasco Alvarado, José Luis Rénique, (auts.), 2021
Flujos de capital e inversión productiva. Lecciones para América Latina
Ricardo Ffrench-Davis, Helmut Reisen, (eds.); Ricardo Ffrench-Davis, Helmut Reisen, Andras Uthoff, Daniel Titelman, Roberto Frenkel, José Fanelli, Carlos Bonvecchi, Dionisio Dias Carneiro, Manuel Agosin, José Ocampo, Camilo Tovar, Ignacio Trigeros, Stephany Griffith-Jones, (auts.), 1997
Az információszabadság elektronikus kézikönyve
Jóri András, Szabó Máté Dániel, 2008
The Orbán Regime: Plebiscitary Leader Democracy in the Making
András Körösényi, Gábor Illés, Attila Gyulai, 2020
Urania állatvilág. Madarak
Keve András, Mauersberger:, 1972
If Russia Uses Migration as a Weapon, Europeans Should Respond in Kind
Alia Fakhri, Roderick Parkes, András Rácz, 2022
Vom Plan zum Markt: Eine Untersuchung am Beispiel Ungarns
Heinz Faßmann (auth.), Professor Dr. Peter Meusburger, Dr. András Klinger (eds.), 1995
Az Orbán-rezsim - A plebiszciter vezérdemokrácia elmélete és gyakorlata
Körösényi András, Illés Gábor, Gyulai Attila, 2020
Vector Semantics
András Kornai, 2023
Theory and Practice of Thermal Transient Testing of Electronic Components
Marta Rencz, Gábor Farkas, András Poppe, 2023
Rocking Toward a Free World: When the Stratocaster Beat the Kalashnikov
Andras Simonyi, 2019
Carbonaceous Aerosol
András Gelencsér (auth.), 2004
Differential and Low-Dimensional Topology
András Juhász, 2023
Current Approaches to Syntax: A Comparative Handbook
András Kertész (editor); Edith Moravcsik (editor); Csilla Rákosi (editor), 2019
Differential and Low-Dimensional Topology
András Juhász, 2023
Theory and Practice of Thermal Transient Testing of Electronic Components
Márta Rencz, Gábor Farkas, András Poppe, 2022
The Social Democratic Parties in the Visegrád Countries: Predicaments and Prospects for Progressivism
Ania Skrzypek, András Bíró-Nagy, 2023
Britain and Danubian Europe in the Era of World War II, 1933-1941
Andras Becker, 2021
Dependable Computing - EDDC-3: Third European Dependable Computing Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, September 15-17, 1999, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1667)
Jan Hlavicka (editor), Erik Maehle (editor), Andras Pataricza (editor), 1999
Stratospheric Flight: Aeronautics at the Limit
Andras Sóbester (auth.), 2011