نتایج جستجو

Preventive Biomechanics: Optimizing Support Systems for the Human Body in the Lying and Sitting Position
Gerhard Silber, Christophe Then (auth.), 2013
Agents and Data Mining Interaction: 4th International Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction, ADMI 2009, Budapest, Hungary, May 10-15,2009, Revised
Longbing Cao, A.E. Gorodetsky, Jiming Liu, Gerhard Weiß, Philipp S Yu, 2009
Agents and Data Mining Interaction: 4th International Workshop, ADMI 2009, Budapest, Hungary, May 10-15,2009, Revised Selected Papers
Ana L. C. Bazzan (auth.), Longbing Cao, Vladimir Gorodetsky, Jiming Liu, Gerhard Weiss, Philip S. Yu (eds.), 2009
Copy, archive, signature : a conversation on photography
Wetzel, Michael; Amelunxen, Hubertus von; Richter, Gerhard; Fort, Jeff; Derrida, Jacques, 2010
Copy, archive, signature : a conversation on photography
Wetzel, Michael; Amelunxen, Hubertus von; Richter, Gerhard; Fort, Jeff; Derrida, Jacques, 2010
Copy, archive, signature : a conversation on photography
Wetzel, Michael; Amelunxen, Hubertus von; Richter, Gerhard; Fort, Jeff; Derrida, Jacques, 2010
Copy, archive, signature : a conversation on photography
Wetzel, Michael; Amelunxen, Hubertus von; Richter, Gerhard; Fort, Jeff; Derrida, Jacques, 2010
Carl Gustav Jung
Gerhard Wehr, 1991
A Friendship That Lasted a Lifetime: The Correspondence Between Alfred Schütz and Eric Voegelin
Gerhard Wagner, Gilbert Weiss (Eds.), 2011
A SINGULAR introduction to commutative algebra
Gert-Martin Greuel, Gerhard Pfister, O. Bachmann, C. Lossen, H. Schönemann, 2007
A Singular introduction to commutative algebra
Gert-Martin Greuel, Gerhard Pfister, O. Bachmann, C. Lossen, H. Schönemann, 2008
A Singular Introduction to Commutative Algebra
Gert-Martin Greuel, Gerhard Pfister, O. Bachmann, C. Lossen, H. Schönemann, 2007
Collective Creativity: Collaborative Work in the Sciences, Literature and the Arts
Gerhard Fischer (ed.), Florian Vassen (ed.), 2011
Die Gestapo : Mythos und Realität
Gerhard Paul; Klaus-Michael Mallmann; Peter Steinbach, 1995
Modern Trends in Human Leukemia VIII: New Results in Clinical and Biological Research Including Pediatric Oncology
J. D. Rowley (auth.), Dr. Rolf Neth, Dr. Robert C. Gallo, Dr. Melvyn F. Greaves, Dr. Gerhard Gaedicke, Dr. Sven Gohla, Dr. Klaus Mannweiler, Dr. Jörg Ritter (eds.), 1989
Die Erfassung der Leistungsansprüche an Führungskräfte der Wirtschaft
Dr. Gerhard Brinkmann, Dipl.-Volkswirt Wolfgang Rippe (auth.), 1969
Die Tätigkeitsfelder des höheren Verwaltungsdienstes: Arbeitsansprüche, Ausbildungserfordernisse, Personalbedarf
Privatdozent Dr. Gerhard Brinkmann, Dipl.-Volkswirt Wolfgang Pippke, Dipl.-Volkswirt Wolfgang Rippe (auth.), 1973
Qualitat und Quantitat des Bedarfs an Fuhrungskraften der Wirtschaft Nordrhein-Westfalen bis zum Jahre 1990
Privat-Dozent Dr. Gerhard Brinkmann, Diplom-Volkswirt Wolfgang Rippe (auth.), 1972
Immunologische und klinisch-diagnostische Studien an tumor-assoziierten Antigenen
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Uhlenbruck, Dr. med. Gerold Wintzer, Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Kania, cand. med. Olaf Koch (auth.), 1979
Cooperative Information Agents III: Third International Workshop, CIA’99 Uppsala, Sweden, July 31–August 2, 1999 Proceedings
Walt Truszkowski, Harold Hallock (auth.), Matthias Klusch, Onn M. Shehory, Gerhard Weiss (eds.), 1999
Cooperative Information Agents III: Third International Workshop, CIA’99 Uppsala, Sweden, July 31–August 2, 1999 Proceedings
Walt Truszkowski, Harold Hallock (auth.), Matthias Klusch, Onn M. Shehory, Gerhard Weiss (eds.), 1999
Chinese Drugs of Plant Origin: Chemistry, Pharmacology, and Use in Traditional and Modern Medicine
Professor Dr. Weici Tang, Professor Dr. Gerhard Eisenbrand (auth.), 1992
SolidWorks 2010
Gerhard Engelken, 2010
SolidWorks 2010: Methodik der 3D-Kontruktion, 2. Auflage
Gerhard Engelken, 2010