نتایج جستجو

Toxicological profiles - Asbestos
Inc. Sciences International, 1995
29148-2011 - ISO/IEC/IEEE International Standard - Systems and software engineering -- Life cycle processes --Requirements engineering
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 2011
NANDA International, Inc. nursing diagnoses : definitions and classification 2018-2020
Herdman, T. Heather; Kamitsuru, Shigemi, 2018
NANDA International, Inc. : diagnósticos enfermeros, definiciones y clasificación : 2018-2020
Shigemi Kamitsuru; ; T. Heather Herdman, 2019
Português : suplemento comercial.
Berlitz International, Inc., 1993
RISC System/6000 PowerPC System Architecture
International Business Machines Inc., 1994
Human Rights, Inc.: The World Novel, Narrative Form, and International Law
Joseph R. Slaughter, 2008
Joseph Chamberlain: International Statesman, National Leader, Local Icon
Ian Cawood, Chris Upton (eds.), 2016
Silicon science and advanced micro-device engineering I : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 5th International Symposium on Silicon Science and the 1st International Conference on Advanced Micro-Device Engineering (ISSS & AMDE 2009), was held by the International Education and Research Center for Silicon Science and the Advanced Technology Research Center (ATEC), Gunma University on 10 and 11 December 2009 in Kiryu, Japan
Osamu Hanaizumi; Masafumi Unno; Gunma Daigaku. International Education and Research Center for Silicon Science.; Gunma Daigaku. Advanced Technology Research Center, 2011
Land Reclamation: Extending the Boundaries : Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference of the International Affiliation of Land Reclamationists, Runcorn, United Kingdom, 13-16 May 2003
International Affiliation of Land Reclamationists. International Conference, 2003
Seismic design guidelines for port structures
Maritime Navigation Commission. Working Group no. 34.; International Navigation Association, 2001
Health Education and the Media II. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Organized Jointly by the Scottish Health Education Group, Edinburgh and the Advertising Research Unit, Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde, Edinburgh, 25–29 March 1985
D. S. Leathar, G. B. Hastings and K. O'Reilly (Eds.), 1986
Bioseparation Engineering, Proceedings of an International Conference on Bioseparation Engineering: “Recovery and Recycle of Resources to Protect the Global Environment”, organized under the Special Research Group on Bioseparation Engineering in the Society of Chemical Engineers
I. Endo, T. Nagamune, S. Katoh and T. Yonemoto (Eds.), 2000
International Tables for Crystallography: Space Group Symmetry
Hahn T. (ed.), 2002
Proceedings of the 25th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education Volume 1
Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen (Editor), 2001
Advanced Paediatric Life Support : The Practical Approach
Sue Wieteska; Advanced Life Support Group Staff.; Child Advocacy International Staff, 2001
The role of instrumentation and control systems in power uprating projects for nuclear power plants
International Atomic Energy Agency. Technical Working Group on Nuclear Power Plant Control and Instrumentation, 2008