نتایج جستجو

Trauma Exposure, Mental Health Functioning, and Program Needs of Women in Jail
Bonnie Green, Jeanne Miranda, Anahita Daroowalla, Juned Siddique
Babies for Sale? Transnational Surrogacy, Human Rights and the Politics of Reproduction
Miranda Davies (ed.), 2017
Musical Mobilities: Son Jarocho and the Circulation of Tradition across Mexico and the United States
Alejandro Miranda Nieto, 2018
Musical Mobilities: Son Jarocho and the Circulation of Tradition across Mexico and the United States
Alejandro Miranda Nieto, 2018
Historia del Catolicismo en la Argentina entre el siglo XIX y el XX
Lida, Miranda, 2015
A Memória e o Tempo
Hermínio C. Miranda, 2015
Hamilton: The Revolution
Lin-Manuel Miranda; Jeremy McCarter, 2016
Direito das Coisas. Posse
Pontes de Miranda
Kallfv mapu: Tierra azul. Antología poética de los tehuelches de origen chileno (bilingüe)
Bayer, Osvaldo (prólogo); Barron, Néstor (selección); Graciela Huinao, Elicura Chihuailaf, Leonel Lienlaf, María Teresa Panchillo Neculwal, Roxana Miranda Rupailaf, Wewün Nagtül, David Aniñir Guilitraro, Bernardo Colipán, Paulo Huirimilla, Salvador Mariman, Carmen Curiche, Adriana Paredes Pinda, Maribel Mora Curriao, María Elisa Huinao Alarcón, 2008
The Way of Grace: The Transforming Power Of Ego Relaxation
Miranda Macpherson, 2018
Le divinità solari dell’antica Europa. Dal 2000 a.C. al 400 d.C.
Miranda Green, 1995
Dizionario di mitologia celtica
Miranda J. Green, 1999
Miti celtici
Miranda J. Green, 1994
Forever Painless Lasting Relief Through Gentle Movement
Miranda Esmonde-White, 2016
Suffrage and the Arts: Visual Culture, Politics and Enterprise
Miranda Garrett; Zoe Thomas, 2018
Black Tudors: The Untold Story
Miranda Kaufmann, 2017
Parenting with Theraplay®: Understanding Attachment and How to Nurture a Closer Relationship with Your Child
Helen Rodwell, Vivien Norris, Miranda Smith, Phyllis Booth, Dafna Lender, 20178
Miranda Aldhouse-Green, 2019
O futuro da Propriedade Intelectual no Brasil: análise econômica do direito sobre o Marco da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação
Lucas Henrique Lima Verde; João Irineu de Resende Miranda, 2019
Designing and Making Rings and Bangles
Miranda Falkner, Evangelos Pourgouris, 2017
Freedom Fallacy: The Limits of Liberal Feminism
Miranda Kiraly; Meagan Tyler, 2015