نتایج جستجو

Algebraic Combinatorics (Chapman Hall Crc Mathematics Series)
Chris Godsil, 1993
Algebraic Combinatorics (Chapman Hall Crc Mathematics Series)
Chris Godsil, 1993
Computational Methods in Plasma Physics (Chapman & Hall CRC Computational Science)
Stephen Jardin, 2010
Performance Tuning of Scientific Applications (Chapman & Hall CRC Computational Science)
David H. Bailey, 2010
Performance Tuning of Scientific Applications (Chapman & Hall CRC Computational Science)
David H. Bailey, 2010
Bayesian Artificial Intelligence (Chapman & Hall Crc Computer Science and Data Analysis)
Kevin B. Korb Ann E. Nicholson, 2004
8th International conference on turbochargers and turbocharging
CRC Press, 2006
CRC Handbook of Metal Etchants
Perrin Walker, 1990