نتایج جستجو

X-Ray Diffraction Crystallography: Introduction, Examples and Solved Problems
Yoshio Waseda, Eiichiro Matsubara, Kozo Shinoda (auth.), 2011
X-Ray Diffraction Crystallography: Introduction, Examples and Solved Problems
Yoshio Waseda, Eiichiro Matsubara, Kozo Shinoda (auth.), 2011
Cross-Language Information Retrieval
Gregory Grefenstette (auth.), Gregory Grefenstette (eds.), 1998
Database Support for Workflow Management: The WIDE Project
Paul Grefen, Peter Apers (auth.), Paul Grefen, Barbara Pernici, Gabriel Sánchez, Jochem Vonk, Erik Boertjes (eds.), 1999
Dynamic Business Process Formation for Instant Virtual Enterprises
Nikolay Mehandjiev, Paul Grefen, Santi Ristol (auth.), Nikolay Mehandjiev, Paul Grefen (eds.), 2010
Explorations in Automatic Thesaurus Discovery
Gregory Grefenstette (auth.), 1994
Genetic Algorithms for Machine Learning
John J. Grefenstette (auth.), John J. Grefenstette (eds.), 1994
Text- and Speech-Triggered Information Access: 8th ELSNET Summer School, Chios Island, Greece, July 15-30 2000. Revised Lectures
Gregory Grefenstette, Steve Renals (auth.), Steve Renals, Gregory Grefenstette (eds.), 2003
Atmospheric Convection: Research and Operational Forecasting Aspects
Paul Markowski (auth.), Dario B. Giaiotti, Reinhold Steinacker, Fulvio Stel (eds.), 2007
Acoustical Holography: Volume 5
R. A. Smith, N. H. Doshi, R. L. Johnson, P. G. Bhuta (auth.), Philip S. Green (eds.), 1974
Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications 2010: Smart Systems for Green Cars and Safe Mobility
Marco Ottella, Pietro Perlo, Ovidiu Vermesan, Reiner John, Kees Gehrels, Harald Gall (auth.), Gereon Meyer, Jürgen Valldorf (eds.), 2010
Affinities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture, and Action
B. V. Braatz, S. Brown, A. O. Isichei, E. O. Odada, R. J. Scholes, Y. Sokona, P. Drichi (auth.), John F. Fitzgerald, Ms. Barbara V. Braatz, Sandra Brown, Dr. Augustine O. Isichei, Dr. Eric O. Odada, Robert J. Scholes (eds.), 2010
Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Franz Grehn (auth.), 2003
Professor emeritus Dr. Dr. h. c. Wolfgang Leydhecker, Prof. Dr. Franz Grehn (auth.), 1993
Murray A. Johnstone MD (auth.), Franz Grehn MD, Robert Stamper MD (eds.), 2006
Nicholas E. H. Nick Wood, Li Guo, M. Francesca Cordeiro (auth.), Franz Grehn MD, Robert Stamper MD (eds.), 2009
Pathogenesis and Risk Factors of Glaucoma
D. Minckler, R. Varma, A. Dawson, S. Nixon (auth.), Professor Dr. med. Dr. jur Eugen Gramer, Professor Dr. med. Dr. hc Franz Grehn (eds.), 1999
Electric Power System Components: Transformers and Rotating Machines
Robert Stein, William T. Hunt Jr. (auth.), 1979
Electrical Machines
Slobodan N. Vukosavic (auth.), 2013
Electrical Machines and their Applications
John Hindmarsh (Auth.), 1984
Electrical Machines Diagnosis
Jean?Claude Trigeassou(auth.), 2011
Atmospharische Spurenstoffe und ihr physikalisch-chemisches Verhalten: Ein Beitrag zur Umweltforschung
J. Löbel (auth.), Prof. Dr. K. H. Becker, Dr. J. Löbel (eds.), 1985
Climate Change and Food Security: Adapting Agriculture to a Warmer World
David Lobell, Marshall Burke (auth.), David Lobell, Marshall Burke (eds.), 2010
Climate Change and Food Security: Adapting Agriculture to a Warmer World
David Lobell, Marshall Burke (auth.), David Lobell, Marshall Burke (eds.), 2010