نتایج جستجو

On Good Authority: Tradition, Compilation and the Construction of Authority in Literature from Antiquity to the Renaissance (Lectio)
Pieter De Leemans (editor), 2015
Français, si vous saviez...
Georges Bernanos, Pierre Gille (editor), 2017
Environment, Archaeology and Landscape: Papers in Honour of Professor Martin Bell
Thomas Walker, Catherine Barnett (editor), 2021
German Basic Couse Units 13-24
Foreign Service Institute (editor), 1965
Opere scelte
Carlo Dossi, Folco Portinari (editor), 2009
Nell'Islam iranico. Aspetti spirituali e filosofici. La scuola di Isfahan, la scuola Shykhi, il dodicesimo Imam e la cavalleria spirituale
Henry Corbin, Roberto Revello (editor), 2020
Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva España, Volume 3
Bernardino de Sahagûn; Carlos Maria de Bustamante (editor), 1830
Introduzione alla storia del cinema. Autori, film ,correnti
Paolo Bertetto (editor), 2008
Women as Mothers in Pre-Industrial England: Essays in Memory of Dorothy McLaren
Valerie Fildes (editor), 2013
Global Governance and Rules for the Post-2015 Era: Addressing Emerging Issues in the Global Environment
José Antonio Ocampo; José Antonio Alonso (editor), 2015
Lo schermo di carta. Pagine letterarie e giornalistiche sul cinema (1905-1924)
Irene Gambacorti (editor), 2017
Las relaciones interoracionales en español: Categorías sintácticas y subordinación adverbial
María Victoria Pavón Lucero (editor), 2016
Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment: Philosophical Perspectives
Robert Guay (editor), 2019
Understanding Human Time (Oxford Studies of Time in Language and Thought)
Kasia M. Jaszczolt (editor), 2023
Stampa e società. Manduria nel primo Novecento
Wanda Occhialini, N. M. Di Tonno (editor), 1993
L'anarchia in 100 canti
Alessio Lega (editor), 2023
Salman Rushdie in Context
Florian Stadtler (editor), 2023
Essere e tempo
Martin Heidegger, Alfredo Marini (editor), 2017