نتایج جستجو

The World's Biggest Book of Brainteasers & Logic Puzzles
Norman D. Willis, Paul Sloane, Des MacHale, Michael A. DiSpezio, Kurt Smith, Martin Gardner, Tim Sole, Rod Marshall, Bea Kimble (editor), 2006
Concrete Structures: New Trends and Old Pathologies (Building Pathology and Rehabilitation, 27)
João M. P. Q. Delgado (editor), 2023
The Golden Verses of Pythagoras and Other Pythagorean Fragments
Pythagoras of Samos,Hierocles of Alexandria, Florence M. Firth (editor), 2008
La mia voce ti accompagnerà. I racconti didattici
Milton H. Erickson, Sidney Rosen (editor), 1983
Construction Dispute Research Expanded (Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering)
Sai On Cheung (editor), 2021
Un ragazzino all'Augusteo. Scritti musicali
Fedele D'Amico, Franco Serpa (editor), 1997
A Companion to J. R. R. Tolkien
Stuart D. Lee (editor), 2022
Blockchain Technologies for Sustainability (Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes)
Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu (editor), 2021
Computer and Information Science 2021 - Fall (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 1003)
Roger Lee (editor), 2021
Biomedical Applications
Stojan S. Djokić (editor), 2012
Current Debates in Philosophy of Science: In Honor of Roberto Torretti (Synthese Library, 477)
Cristián Soto (editor), 2023
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Pol Vandromme, Andrea Lombardi (editor), 2021
Democratizing Risk Governance: Bridging Science, Expertise, Deliberation and Public Values
Monica Gattinger (editor), 2023
Cancer: Cell Structures, Carcinogens and Genomic Instability (Experientia Supplementum, 96)
Leon P. Bignold (editor), 2005
Cereal-Based Foodstuffs: The Backbone of Mediterranean Cuisine
Fatma Boukid (editor), 2021
The Idea of the Good in Kant and Hegel
Goran Vranešević (editor), 2024
The Anthropologist's Cookbook
Jessica Kuper (editor), 2009
Trascrivere la vita intera. Lettere 1923-1975
Dmitrij Sostakovic, Elizabeth Wilson (editor), 2006
La guerra nella Grecia antica
Jean-Pierre Vernant (editor), 2018
Scatola sonora
Alberto Savinio, Francesco Lombardi (editor), 1988
The Phenomenological Movement: A Historical Introduction
E. Spiegelberg (editor), 1994
The Articulation of Modes of Production: Essays from Economy and Society
Harold Wolpe (editor), 2023