نتایج جستجو

Light and Specular Microscopy of the Cornea
Katerina Jirsova (auth.), 2017
What About Men?: The Dark and Light Side of the Male
Luc De Schepper, 1995
Ilusões de Ótica
Edi Lanners
[德]马科斯·玻恩; Max Born; [美]埃米尔·沃耳夫; Emil Wolf; 杨葭荪(译), 2009
Π. Μοίρας, 2004
Handbook of Optical Biomedical Diagnostics, Volume 1: Light-tissue Interaction
Valery V. Tuchin (ed.), 2016
Handbook of Optical Biomedical Diagnostics, Volume 2: Methods
Valery V. Tuchin (ed.), 2016
Photography and the Optical Unconscious
Shawn Michelle Smith; Sharon Sliwinski (eds.), 2017
Zhang, Jie: Advances in Optical Physics/Advances in Condensed Matter Optics
Zheng, Yu-Xiang; Dai, Ning; Liu, Hui; Jin, Kuijuan; Chen, Liangyao; Jiang, Xunya; Zhao, Haibin, 2014
Charged Particle Optics Theory: An Introduction
Timothy R. Groves, 2015
Electronic and Optical Properties of Graphite-Related Systems
Chiun-Yan Lin, Rong-Bin Chen, Yen-Hung Ho, Ming-Fa Lin, 2018
Optical Phenomenology and Applications
Masoud Ghandehari, 2018
A study of individual differences in binocular color fusion
Grimsley, Glen
Characterization Techniques and Tabulations for Organic Nonlinear Optical Materials
Dirk, Carl W.; Kuzyk, 2018
Optical properties of nanostructures
Fu, Ying; Qiu, Min, 2011