نتایج جستجو

Osteoporosis: Diagnosis and Management
Dale W. Stovall(eds.), 2013
Business Management for the IB Diploma
Andrew Surridge, Malcolm and Gillespie, 2022
Marketing-Management: Analyse — Strategie — Implementierung
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Heribert Meffert (auth.), 1994
Management von Desinvestitionen
Jürgen Brüggerhoff (auth.), 1992
Immobilien-Management: Prüfkriterien zu Lage, Substanz, Rendite
Jürgen Platz (auth.), 1993
Change Management und Unternehmenserfolg: Grundlagen — Methoden — Praxisbeispiele
Wolfgang Gattermeyer, Ayad Al-Ani (auth.), Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Gattermeyer, Ayad Al-Ani (eds.), 2000
Service Quality and Management
Paul Kunst, Jos Lemmink, Bernd Stauss (auth.), Paul Kunst, Jos Lemmink, Bernd Stauss (eds.), 1999
Euro-Asian Management and Business I: Cross-border Issues
Brij N. Kumar (auth.), Brij N. Kumar (eds.), 1995
Macht und Ohn-Macht im Management: Wie Sie Führungsstärke und Teampower erfolgreich verbinden
Ralph Treier (auth.), 1998
Evolutionär führen: Management zwischen Selbstverwirklichung und Unternehmenskultur
Volkmar Stangier (auth.), 1996
Pipeline Inspection and Health Monitoring Technology: The Key to Integrity Management
Hongfang Lu, Zhao-Dong Xu, Tom Iseley, Haoyan Peng, Lingdi Fu, 2023
Manual of Biobank Quality Management
Agnieszka Matera-Witkiewicz, Joanna Gleńska-Olender, Izabela Uhrynowska-Tyszkiewicz, Małgorzata Witoń, Karolina Zagórska, Katarzyna Ferdyn, Michał Laskowski, Patrycja Sitek, Błażej Marciniak, Jakub Pawlikowski, Dominik Strapagiel, 2023
Microbial Bioremediation: Sustainable Management of Environmental Contamination
Rouf Ahmad Bhat, Monica Butnariu, Gowhar Hamid Dar, Khalid Rehman Hakeem, 2022
The Care and Management of Spinal Cord Injuries
George M. Bedbrook Kt., O.B.E., O.ST.J. Hon. M.D. (W.A.), M.S.(Melb.), D.P.R.M. (Syd.), F.R.C.S., F.R.A.C.S. (auth.), 1981
Introduction to Management Science A Modeling and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets
Frederick Hillier, 2022
Guerrilla Marketing for Financial Advisors: Innovating Financial Professionals Through Practice Management
Jay Conrad Levinson; Grant W. Hicks, 2016
The Design of a Practical Enterprise Safety Management System
Hossam A. Gabbar, Kazuhiko Suzuki (auth.), 2004
Challenges to Internal Security of India ( Includes Disaster Management)
Ashok Kumar, Vipul Anekant, 2020
SAP Activate Project Management Certification Guide
Aditya Lal, 2021
Endometriosis: Current Topics in Diagnosis and Management
Nazar Amso, Saikat Banerjee, 2022
Institutional innovation in water management : the Scottish experience
WRDerrick Sewell, JT Coppock, Alan Pitkethly, 2003
Collaborative Leadership and Innovation: Management, Strategy and Creativity
Elis Carlström, 2022